Open jtc42 opened 5 years ago
For anyone else experiencing this, this work-around shared by @6by9 works well for me. Run this code before running raspistill, raspivid, or using picamera.
Note next comment @6by9 regarding updating to latest rpi-update.sudo vcdbg set awb_mode 0
The fix for the issue is in the latest rpi-update firmware.
sudo vcdbg set awb_mode 0
just switches back to the old algorithm, which doesn't help on a Pi4 as the old algorithm can't work due to the change in 3D hardware. Whilst it will work in the short term, it can not be recommended longer term.
@6by9 thank you!
And for anyone interested - you can switch back to the new algorithm using sudo vcdbg set awb_mode 1
With the new firmware and the new awb algorithm I also note the following behavior:
vcdbg set_awb_mode is no longer recommended (and will be removed at some point). Use the greyworld AWB option.
Resuming AWB after having switched off was fixed in - 30 Jan 2020. Is your firmware after that date? If not, then update.
@ 6by9 Thank you for answering. I did rpi-update is that enough? Here is what uname -a gives Linux raspberrypi 4.19.113-v7+ #1300 SMP Thu Mar 26 16:53:09 GMT 2020 armv7l GNU/Linux Not really blocking for me but I wanted to report Anyway in my case the awb auto algorithm did not really give satisfactory results. Do you think the new algorithm is better? @JamesH65 is there a trick to use "Greyworld with the Picamera library?
Blast. Sorry, we have two firmware source branches at present, one for Pi0-3, and one for Pi4. The fix is only on the Pi4 branch. I'll pull it across to the other one.
Re using greyworld, see I know waveform80 is busy on other stuff at present, but we'll look at what can be done to get it merged.
Actually if you want an interim fix on a non-critical Pi, then sudo BRANCH=next rpi-update
will get a test firmware where the Pi0-3 fw is built from the same tree as Pi4. See for more info.
Cherry-pick done, so all being well a fix would be in the next "normal" rpi-update anyway.
@6by9 It also seems to me that there is a change in behavior with the AGC algorithm. I posted in the raspberry forum, I don't know if I should open an issue? Thanks for your help and best regards.
@dgalland Your comment is totally unrelated to AWB changing, therefore does not belong on this issue at all.
If you have a reproducable test case then raise an issue, but seeing as you've posted on the forums it'd be nice if you left more than 5 minutes for someone to have a chance to reply before cross posting here. And always add a link if you have asked the question on the forums so that we don't cover the same ground twice.
@6by9 thanks for the updates on this. Has the updated pi3 firmware been officially released now? We're currently still using the old AWB debug mode for our microscopes, but I'm keen to move away from that ASAP.
firmware: isp/tuner: Resetting to a lamp mode cancels manual_gains_used_ (master)
But also note
firmware: Switch to building from common firmware branch
so all Pi variants from that point on are now built off the same firmware tree.
I checked many comments, but my Pi and camera don't work well. I can't stop AWB. I check AWB with seeing picture(movie) using red paper covering lens on/off. camera.exposure_mode = 'off' works well.
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
import cv2
import numpy as np
import picamera
import time
from picamera.array import PiRGBArray
from picamera import PiCamera
def main():
#camera mode
camera = PiCamera()
camera.resolution = (832, 624)
camera.iso = 100
camera.shutter_speed = 10000
camera.exposure_mode = 'off'
capture = PiRGBArray(camera, size=(832, 624))
camera.awb_mode = 'off'
camera.awb_gains = (1.8,1.8)
# allow the camera to warmup
for frame in camera.capture_continuous(capture, format="bgr", use_video_port=True):
image = frame.array
hsv = cv2.cvtColor(image, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV)
cv2.imshow("Image", image)
key = cv2.waitKey(1) & 0xFF
if __name__ == '__main__':
Describe the bug When using the new AWB algorithm, setting AWB gains is broken after changing the camera resolution (and possibly other properties?). Upon changing the resolution, the AWB gains seem to reset to their Auto values, and changing them back is broken.
To reproduce Easiest to demonstrate in Python
Expected behaviour 1) Changing resolution shouldn't reset the AWB gains 2) AWB gains should be changeable after this anyway, if AWB is off.
Actual behaviour 1) Changing resolution resets AWB gains, seemingly to their values when AWB is set to "auto" 2) Turning the AWB off and trying to set new AWB gains after this point silently fails. AWB gains remain fixed at their reset values.
Additional context These issues seem related: