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PAL-M is broken #756

Open franmagneto opened 7 years ago

franmagneto commented 7 years ago

When I boot with sdtv_mode=3 or use tvservice -c "PAL_M 4:3" I get 720x576 at 50Hz, but it should be 720x480 at 60Hz like NTSC, that's the correct format for PAL-M.

popcornmix commented 7 years ago

You are right that the behaviour doesn't match the description of PAL-M. The code seems to change resolution/refresh and colour carrier settings bases on the sdtv mode chosen. I don't have any PAL-M equipment to test, but I've made changes to the firmware to match what I understand is correct. I may have misunderstood things.

Can you try this test firmware: https://drive.google.com/uc?id=0B-6zmEDJwxZEd0RhcFR6NHlyXzQ&export=download

and let me know if the behaviour seems better?

franmagneto commented 7 years ago

Thanks for your reply. With this firmware the resolution and frequency is correct, but it still have no colors. If I plug it on a TV expecting NTSC, it shows wrong colors, I think this is not expected, because reading about PAL-M on Internet, it's said that NTSC signal on PAL-M TV shows correct picture, but without colors, and the same happens with PAL-M signal on NTSC TV.

popcornmix commented 7 years ago

So you are testing with a TV that only supports PAL-M?

What was the behaviour with the original firmware? What is the behaviour with the test firmware?

pelwell commented 7 years ago

Although I haven't found a definitive statement, I suspect that PAL-M uses a 3.58 MHz colour subcarrier (like NTSC) but with PAL encoding, rather than the 4.43 MHz subcarrier of PAL-60.

popcornmix commented 7 years ago

Yes, according to firmware code:

PAL             /* PAL-B,G offset :  4.43361875 MHz. Clock is 13538462. */
PAL_M           /* Colour subcarrier - 3.575611 MHz. Clock is 13369909. */
NTSC/NTSC-J     /* Colour subcarrier - 3.579545 MHz. Clock is 13369909. */
franmagneto commented 7 years ago

You're right, the colour subcarrier frequency is not the same as PAL-60. I have a PAL-M only TV, that outputs monochrome with NTSC signal. When I choose PAL-M on the original firmware the behaviour is the same if I chose PAL, it shows no color and I see horizontal stripes moving. With the new firmware it shows the same as NTSC, clean picture but with no colors. I can use a friend's TV that works with NTSC signal, and on that TV I can see colour with the new firmware, but it's wrong, the four raspberries logo on boot shows like a "rainbow", with color changing along the logos.

franmagneto commented 6 years ago

It still doesn't work with PAL-M, when this mode is selected, the output is NTSC with a "rainbow" pattern

franmagneto commented 6 years ago

I'm still getting no color if the TV is PAL-M. If the TV is set to NTSC, it shows a rainbow pattern, but it must show no color. Maybe the color subcarrier frequency is wrong, I think it must not be the same of NTSC. Wikipedia says that a PAL-M signal shows no color on NTSC TV and vice versa.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I'm also facing the same problem. The equipment I'm using is a National (Panasonic) Panacolor TC-14R1M in pretty good shape, quite popular back in 70's.

I was using a really old Retropie build (outdated for +6mo), so I decided to update the distro+firmware. No luck.

I also tried patches you've released here: https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/811. I also tried a clear install + rpi-update (master), but it didn't work.

Then I tried back again to use https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/811 patches in top of up-to-date fresh install, but it still didn't work.

I started changing sdtv_mode values in /boot/config.txt through PuTTY, save and reboot, and this is what I've found:

Tested with master build 18/07

0 - OK BW 3 - Rolling Screen (BW) 10 - Rolling Screen (BW) 11 - OK (BW) 12 - OUT OF SYNC 13 - OUT OF SYNC 14 - OUT OF SYNC 15 - OUT OF SYNC 16 - OK (BW) 17 - OK (BW) 18 - Rolling Screen 19 - OK (BW) 20 - OUT OF SYNC 21 - OUT OF SYNC 22 - OUT OF SYNC 23 - OUT OF SYNC 24 - OK (BW)

0x20 - I do not recall the result, but no color. 0x22 - I do not recall the result, but no color. 0x30 - OK (BW). 0x32 - Rolling Screen (BW).

Build 23,25 and 27-May patches: https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/811

0x22 - OK 0x30 - FLICKER (BW) 0x32 - CRAZY FLICKER (BW)

*Out of Sync - Static, no image at all.

I gave up testing because results of https://github.com/raspberrypi/firmware/issues/811 although the sync issue, at least they were showing colors. I also tried the sdtv_progressive_scan, but results shown async.

I'd like to help as much as I can. If you provide me firmwares I can trial and error and report results, take pictures, anything.

Thanks in advance.

Best Regards,

Sobakin76 commented 5 years ago

I own RPi 3b, and one of my CRT composite monitors is 15" Hitron CVM1574FP which supports many signal standards, including PAL-M. In Raspbian after sending next commands: tvservice -c "PAL_M 4:3 P" fbset -xres 640 -yres 240 -match -a fbset -depth 8;fbset -depth 32 when monitor in Auto mode it autodetects as NTSC or when I choose NTSC manually it shows this pitcure (running Midnight Commander): image Absolutely the same picture is in another monitor, JVC TM-H150CG, which autodetects sync and color system independently, so it correctly supports PAL-60 but I don't know about PAL-M (don't have such properly working signal source to check): image You may see what a little part of picture (column right after center) is shown in correct colors, but monitors in NTSC mode, not PAL-M.

When I switch monitor (Hitron) manually to PAL M, it shows B&W picture: image

And when I switch RPi output to NTSC by tvservice -c "NTSC 4:3 P" It autodetects NTSC and shows correct image, except NTSC color artifacts, which almost no see on this photo: image

but I don't like NTSC because of color artifacts in games (Grand Prix Cirquit in 4-color CGA mode in DOSbox), on both monitors the same (first is Hitron, second is JVC): image image

In pure PAL colors is ok, but image flickers (50Hz only) and is too compressed in vertical because higher scan lines count (288 lines in PAL vs 240 in NTSC/PAL-M/PAL60 progressive)

ghost commented 5 years ago

Okay, I've tried

tvservice -c "flag 4:3 (P)" with NTSC, PAL and PAL_M, also enabling/disabling P progressive scan. Just after doing setting tvservice, images goes black, reboot and all of them image pops up. No rolling screen or static. Clear, but no colors. :/

Sobakin76 commented 5 years ago

tvservice -c "flag 4:3 (P)" with NTSC, PAL and PAL_M, also enabling/disabling P progressive scan. Just after doing setting tvservice, images goes black

After change mode by tvservice command You need to reset (or reinitialize?) framebuffer by commands: fbset -depth 8;fbset -depth 32 Just make batch file (.sh) with this command sequence. But this is offtop.

ghost commented 5 years ago

I do not know if I'm doing this correctly (no .sh skills) but:

  1. Accessed through Putty. 1

  2. Send command tvservice -c "PAL_M 4:3 P". This happens. whatsapp image 2018-07-24 at 20 43 40 A rolling line is noticeable

  3. sudo reboot. This happens: whatsapp image 2018-07-24 at 20 43 36 Skewed image

  4. It does start normally, clear image but no colors.

franmagneto commented 5 years ago

@Sobakin76 that is the output I get when I try to use RPI PAL-M signal, Black and White on PAL-M and that kind of "rainbow" pattern on NTSC (which is also the format that is autodetected).

franmagneto commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, I do not have the TV I've used to test this anymore.

franmagneto commented 5 years ago

But I have a really old TV that I guess it supports only PAL-M.

franmagneto commented 5 years ago

But I've never seen color output on it using the AV connectors, because all equipment available are NTSC. With RPI I tought that I'd finally see color output through AV cables on that TV...

Sobakin76 commented 5 years ago

Looks like software development of anologue output was stopped. It is sad :(

ghost commented 5 years ago

Indeed it seems to be stopped. But that's life hehe. I'm going to try finding a technician who might convert it to NTSC (change the crystal etc) and last case, buy a NTSC-> PAL-M transcoder.

Thank you all.

JamesH65 commented 5 years ago

Because analogue output is such a tiny use case, we can only really work on it when there is nothing more important to do. However, we are a small team, with a awful lot of very important work to do....

So, not stopped, just we don't have time to work on this sort of thing at the moment. Maybe @popcornmix is the expert here, but I know he is very busy. I don't know wanything about this stuff, so cannot really help. @pelwel Any ideas?

ghost commented 5 years ago

I agree with you James. There are plenty of important stuff to be done and this is a minor issue that may be bypassed by other means, such modding the TV set.

I do not want to sound rude, and this is not sacarsm. I realize most of us have got other stuff to care in life, such family and work, I've followed couple issue threads that popcornmix kindly put his/hers effort so I really do not to sound ungrateful. When the time comes, soma changes will be done, I'll keep updating rpi-update, check and report when I get a positive result.

Cheers ;)

Thanks once again,

JamesH65 commented 5 years ago

No worries - you didn't sound rude - just wanted to get across that we are busy with stuff right now, so unfrotauntely this sort of thing cannot get much attention.

kFYatek commented 4 years ago

Hi, Sorry for digging up such an old issue, but I have some additional insight. I'm writing a bit of code that simulates PAL/NTSC/SECAM encoding/decoding in software, so I thought that I might just as well try debugging the Pi's PAL-M output a little bit.

Everything was tested on a Raspberry Pi 3B+ with the latest firmware downloaded using rpi-update at the time of writing this post.

From my experimentation, it looks that whatever the Pi outputs with the sdtv_mode=3 setting, is not really PAL at all, but rather an NTSC-ish signal with a different subcarrier. Namely, 229.5×fH, which is 3611013.(986013) Hz.

Standard NTSC subcarrier is 227.5×fH (3579545.(45) Hz), and standard PAL-M subcarrier would be 227.25×fH (3575611.(888111) Hz).

Here's why I think that. I took this rendition of the PM5544M test pattern: PM5544M used my code (I'd rather not show it at the moment, it's quite messy) to encode it as a standard NTSC signal (227.5×fH subcarrier): encoded and then used my messy decoder tuned to 229.5×fH subcarrier (intentionally without any kind of comb filtering, to maximise use of Pi's color modulation): decoded Then I displayed that "decoded" image on the Pi that was configured to sdtv_mode=3:

DISPLAY=:0 pqiv -i --fullscreen decoded.png

and grabbed the output using a USB composite video grabber configured to standard NTSC: grabbed

As you can see, the final colors are almost correct. Here's what I read from that:

Anyway, the sdtv_mode=3 mode is definitely not PAL-M, but rather could be called NTSC3.61 - that is a format so non-standard that I don't think there has been any TV in existence that could display it. Basically, a useless setting. I agree with the previous posts that this is probably minor, PAL-M was almost exclusive to Brazil, and Brazilians stuck with PAL-M-only sets can mod them or use an NTSC-to-PAL-M transcoder. But I thought I might share my analysis in case anyone decides to try fixing this issue, after all.

kFYatek commented 3 years ago

If anyone is still interested, I've written a little utility for tweaking the VEC registers from user space: https://github.com/kFYatek/tweakvec

Configuring the firmware and OS for NTSC and then running sudo ./tweakvec.py --preset PAL-M should give you clear PAL-M. You might also want to add --pedestal 1 if the image is too dark - I'm not sure whether the black level pedestal is supposed to be there in PAL-M or not.

I tested the utility, but only with modern equipment, I don't have any CRTs (and certainly not PAL-M-capable) on hand.

kFYatek commented 3 years ago

Update: @Sobakin76 confirmed PAL-M working with their monitor, see #811