raspberrypi / libcamera

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[HOW-TO] Run AutoFocus only on a specific range of lenses #106

Closed ilirosmanaj closed 5 months ago

ilirosmanaj commented 5 months ago

My end goal is simple, but to do so, I need some understanding of Picamera2 and libcamera as well. In this case I am using picamera2 as well, but I think the wrapper is not really important and most of the logic would fall into libcamera tunning.

Let me explain my problem in a couple of bullet points:

Note: what I am trying to capture is my hand, which is in front of the camera (about 10-15 cm from the camera itself).

Here is my camera tunning file (adding only the autofocus part here):

                        "min": 1.0,
                        "max": 32.0,
                        "default": 1.0
                        "min": 13.0,
                        "max": 18.0,
                        "default": 13.0
                        "step_coarse": 2.0,
                        "step_fine": 0.5,
                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
                        "pdaf_gain": -0.03,
                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.2,
                        "max_slew": 4.0,
                        "pdaf_frames": 20,
                        "dropout_frames": 6,
                        "step_frames": 4
                        "step_coarse": 1.0,
                        "step_fine": 1.0,
                        "contrast_ratio": 0.75,
                        "pdaf_gain": -0.05,
                         # modified from 0.2, which is the default
                        "pdaf_squelch": 0.4,
                        "max_slew": 5.0,
                         # modified from 16, which is the default
                        "pdaf_frames": 10,
                        "dropout_frames": 6,
                        "step_frames": 2
                "conf_epsilon": 8,
                "conf_thresh": 12,
                "conf_clip": 512,
                "skip_frames": 5,
                "map": [ 0.0, 420, 35.0, 920 ]

Here is a test script I am using. For testing, please use a lighter in front of the camera so that the hand is visible to the camera more quickly (and this is what I will be using as well - an LED that lightens the hand).

import io

import logging
import cv2
from time import sleep
from picamera2 import Picamera2
from picamera2.encoders import MJPEGEncoder
from picamera2.outputs import FileOutput
from http.server import BaseHTTPRequestHandler
from threading import Condition, get_ident
from time import perf_counter

logging.basicConfig(level = logging.DEBUG, format='%(asctime)s - %(name)s - %(levelname)s: %(message)s')


def print_af_state(request):
    global SHOULD_SCAN
    md = request.get_metadata()
    af_camera_state = ("Idle", "Scanning", "Success", "Fail")[md['AfState']]
    lens_position = md.get('LensPosition')

    if af_camera_state == "Idle":

    if af_camera_state == "Success" and SHOULD_SCAN:
        logging.debug(f"AF Success on lens position: {lens_position}")
        SHOULD_SCAN = False

        logging.debug(f"Autofocus camera state: {af_camera_state}, lens position: {lens_position}")

# used for running live streaming of the video from my device
class StreamingOutput(io.BufferedIOBase):
    def __init__(self):
        self.frame = None
        self.condition = Condition()

    def write(self, buf):
        with self.condition:
            self.frame = buf

active_thread = 0

class StreamingHandler(BaseHTTPRequestHandler):
    def do_GET(self):
        # New requests kill old requests, only one active loop allowed
        global active_thread
        active_thread = get_ident()

        self.send_header("Age", 0)
        self.send_header("Cache-Control", "no-cache, private")
        self.send_header("Pragma", "no-cache")
        self.send_header("Content-Type", "multipart/x-mixed-replace; boundary=FRAME")

            while active_thread == get_ident():
                with STREAMING_OUTPUT.condition:
                    if not STREAMING_OUTPUT.condition.wait(timeout=30.0):
                        raise Exception("Timed out waiting for next frame!")
                frame = STREAMING_OUTPUT.frame

                self.send_header("Content-Type", "image/jpeg")
                self.send_header("Content-Length", len(frame))

        except Exception as e:
            logging.warning("Removed streaming client %s: %s", self.client_address, str(e))

STREAMING_OUTPUT = StreamingOutput()

MJPEG_ENCODER = MJPEGEncoder(bitrate=14 * 1000000)

camera = Picamera2(1)

camera.pre_callback = print_af_state
video_config = camera.create_video_configuration(
    main={"size": (2304, 1296), "format": "RGB888"}, 
    lores={"size": (192, 108)},
        "Brightness": 0,
        "Contrast": 1.4,
        "Saturation": 1,
        "AeEnable": True,
        "ExposureTime": 3000,
        "AnalogueGain": 3,
        "AeExposureMode": 0,
        "ExposureValue": 0,
        "AeMeteringMode": 1,
        "AwbEnable": 0,
        "AwbMode": 0,
        "ColourGains": (2.0, 1.5),
        "AfMetering": 0, # 0 auto (uses central part of image), windows 1 (uses region specificed in AfWindows)
        "AfMode": 1, # auto (do AF only when triggered)
        "AfRange": 1, # macro, but with edited tunning file
        "AfSpeed": 1, # fast
        "FrameRate": 80,

camera.start_recording(MJPEG_ENCODER, FILE_OUTPUT)
logging.debug(f"Camera recording has started")

for i in range(1000):
    if not SHOULD_SCAN:

    with STREAMING_OUTPUT.condition:
    frame = STREAMING_OUTPUT.frame
    logging.debug(f"Processed frame: {i}")


metadata_start_timestamp = perf_counter()

request = camera.capture_request()
image = request.make_array("main")
metadata = request.get_metadata()
normal_camera_captures = [image]

cv2.imwrite(f"final_capture.jpg", image)

A test run:

2024-02-05 10:28:35,839 - picamera2.picamera2 - INFO: Initialization successful.
2024-02-05 10:28:35,840 - picamera2.picamera2 - INFO: Camera now open.
2024-02-05 10:28:35,841 - picamera2.picamera2 - DEBUG: <libcamera._libcamera.CameraManager object at 0x7f935be1b0>
picamera2.picamera2 INFO: Configuration successful!
2024-02-05 10:28:35,909 - picamera2.picamera2 - INFO: Configuration successful!
picamera2.picamera2 INFO: Camera started
2024-02-05 10:28:36,351 - picamera2.picamera2 - INFO: Camera started
2024-02-05 10:28:36,352 - root - DEBUG: Camera recording has started
2024-02-05 10:28:36,553 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,579 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 1
2024-02-05 10:28:36,599 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 2
2024-02-05 10:28:36,607 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 3
2024-02-05 10:28:36,644 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 4
2024-02-05 10:28:36,652 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 5
2024-02-05 10:28:36,672 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 1.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,686 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 6
2024-02-05 10:28:36,689 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 6.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,694 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 7
2024-02-05 10:28:36,714 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 6.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,729 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 8
2024-02-05 10:28:36,733 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 11.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,736 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 9
2024-02-05 10:28:36,755 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 11.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,770 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 10
2024-02-05 10:28:36,773 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,777 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 11
2024-02-05 10:28:36,797 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,811 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 12
2024-02-05 10:28:36,815 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,819 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 13
2024-02-05 10:28:36,836 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,853 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,856 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 14
2024-02-05 10:28:36,871 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 15
2024-02-05 10:28:36,874 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,878 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 16
2024-02-05 10:28:36,893 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,911 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 17
2024-02-05 10:28:36,915 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,931 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 18
2024-02-05 10:28:36,935 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,953 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 19
2024-02-05 10:28:36,957 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,971 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 20
2024-02-05 10:28:36,975 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:36,979 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 21
2024-02-05 10:28:36,998 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,016 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 22
2024-02-05 10:28:37,022 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,038 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 23
2024-02-05 10:28:37,041 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,057 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 24
2024-02-05 10:28:37,062 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,066 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 25
2024-02-05 10:28:37,085 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,099 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 26
2024-02-05 10:28:37,102 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,119 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 27
2024-02-05 10:28:37,122 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,136 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 28
2024-02-05 10:28:37,139 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,156 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 29
2024-02-05 10:28:37,160 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,175 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 30
2024-02-05 10:28:37,178 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,195 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 31
2024-02-05 10:28:37,198 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,213 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 32
2024-02-05 10:28:37,216 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 16.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,234 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 33
2024-02-05 10:28:37,240 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 16.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,254 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 34
2024-02-05 10:28:37,257 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 16.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,276 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 35
2024-02-05 10:28:37,279 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 16.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,293 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 36
2024-02-05 10:28:37,296 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 16.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,315 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 37
2024-02-05 10:28:37,319 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 16.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,324 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 38
2024-02-05 10:28:37,339 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 17.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,356 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 39
2024-02-05 10:28:37,361 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 17.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,379 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 40
2024-02-05 10:28:37,382 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 17.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,397 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 41
2024-02-05 10:28:37,400 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 17.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,418 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 42
2024-02-05 10:28:37,422 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 17.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,437 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 43
2024-02-05 10:28:37,440 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,458 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 44
2024-02-05 10:28:37,461 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,479 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 45
2024-02-05 10:28:37,482 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,497 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 46
2024-02-05 10:28:37,500 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,520 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 47
2024-02-05 10:28:37,523 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 15.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,541 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 48
2024-02-05 10:28:37,543 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,557 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 49
2024-02-05 10:28:37,559 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,575 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 50
2024-02-05 10:28:37,579 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,594 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 51
2024-02-05 10:28:37,597 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,614 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 52
2024-02-05 10:28:37,620 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 14.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,633 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 53
2024-02-05 10:28:37,637 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,655 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 54
2024-02-05 10:28:37,659 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,675 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 55
2024-02-05 10:28:37,678 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,698 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 56
2024-02-05 10:28:37,703 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,719 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 57
2024-02-05 10:28:37,721 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,738 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 58
2024-02-05 10:28:37,742 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.609925270080566
2024-02-05 10:28:37,760 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 59
2024-02-05 10:28:37,763 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,778 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 60
2024-02-05 10:28:37,781 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,796 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 61
2024-02-05 10:28:37,800 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,815 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 62
2024-02-05 10:28:37,818 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,836 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 63
2024-02-05 10:28:37,839 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.0
2024-02-05 10:28:37,859 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 64
2024-02-05 10:28:37,863 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.492711067199707
2024-02-05 10:28:37,880 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.492711067199707
2024-02-05 10:28:37,881 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 65
2024-02-05 10:28:37,899 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 66
2024-02-05 10:28:37,902 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.492711067199707
2024-02-05 10:28:37,918 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 67
2024-02-05 10:28:37,921 - root - DEBUG: Autofocus camera state: Scanning, lens position: 13.492711067199707
2024-02-05 10:28:37,926 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 68
2024-02-05 10:28:37,945 - root - DEBUG: AF Success on lens position: 13.492711067199707
2024-02-05 10:28:37,963 - root - DEBUG: Processed frame: 69
2024-02-05 10:28:37,966 - root - DEBUG: Finished

So this took 2s already, which is way too much for what I want. I would need it at a maximum of 200ms speed.

To wrap up, I need to run the AF on lenses [13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 19] as quickly as possible in a trustable way.

I do expect this to be a combination of picamera and libcamera as well, so happy to perform tunning as much as needed. I failed to find some good explanation of the PDAF algorithm and their parameters so that I would know how to change.

naushir commented 5 months ago

@ilirosmanaj are you using the Camera v3 Wide or Normal variant here? You can find more details on the PDAF algorithms and tuning params in our camera tuning guide.

@njhollinghurst can provide more guidance here as well.

ilirosmanaj commented 5 months ago

Hi @naushir - I am using the wide variant in this case. I tried playing with most of the parameters and understanding the PDAF logic from the source code, but unfortunately, I couldn't get very far with it since I think I lack some basic understanding of this.

Changes tried:

My concern is whether the AF is trying PDAF, then failing, and then jumping to CDAF. Is there a way to enforce PDAF only and limit it to rounded numbers of lens positions?

naushir commented 5 months ago

Closing this, please track this issue at https://github.com/raspberrypi/picamera2/issues/944.