Open jdoubleu opened 4 years ago
These will come from the uapi directory. e.g.
Okay thanks, didn't notice.
However, they just include the lower-case version anyway.
Apparently this commit just moved the files into the uapi folder (LKML message, LWN article). Unfortunately, there is no history prior to this. I assume its an artifact from the previous source code tree. There are probably some build systems out there, relying on these files.
Unfortunately, git gets confused on non case-sensitive file systems (e.g. Windows NTFS by default), showing file changes, because it cannot properly distinguish between the two files.
This is only really a problem when there are two files with the same name but different cases in a folder. Please read this StackOverflow answer.
When I checked out this repository, I get the following changes:
Click to expand
``` HEAD detached at 0c39cb5 Changes not staged for commit: (use "git addLooking at the linux kernel source, there are no such duplicate files (compare pointed out they're coming from the uapi: there is no good reason to keep them, I suggest to delete the upper-case files (e.g.