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Please provide us with a current gcc version + CMake sample for Mac, Linux, Windows #51

Closed MikeMitterer closed 8 years ago

MikeMitterer commented 8 years ago

Hi I know you are doing a great job but at the moment it's really a mess if you want to cross-develop - specially if you are on a Mac.

What I found so far is http://www.welzels.de/blog/en/arm-cross-compiling-with-mac-os-x/ http://www.jaredwolff.com/blog/cross-compiling-on-mac-osx-for-raspberry-pi/ but these sites (the libs / packages) are quite outdated.

There is also a none-eabi hombrew formula (Caskroom/cask/gcc-arm-embedded) - this just overcomplicates things if you just want the write a "normal" C++ program and not a full blown kernel.

I also tried to crosstool-ng but after installing gcc 5 and all the other things I get a link error. Drives me crazy!

popcornmix commented 8 years ago

The recommendation is to use this gcc 4.9.3 toolchain: https://github.com/raspberrypi/tools/tree/master/arm-bcm2708/arm-rpi-4.9.3-linux-gnueabihf/bin and this CMake file: https://github.com/raspberrypi/userland/blob/master/makefiles/cmake/toolchains/arm-linux-gnueabihf.cmake Note that gcc 5 is newer than Debian Jessie and you are likely to have linking issues with libc if you try using that. 4.9 matches the gcc that ships with Jessie.

MikeMitterer commented 8 years ago

Cool + Thanks!"