"If you’ve ever connected a device to a WiFi network, you will know that it doesn’t happen instantly. Your device will send requests to your WiFi router to connect, and when the router responds, they will perform what is called a handshake to establish a connection. To do this with Python, you can set up a loop that will keep sending requests each second until the connection handshake has been performed."
but the following code segment does not do that, it only tests if the connection has been established yet :+1:
def connect():
Connect to WLAN
wlan = network.WLAN(network.STA_IF)
wlan.connect(ssid, password)
while wlan.isconnected() == False:
print('Waiting for connection...')
The text should reflect the functionality in the code segment.
The text says
"If you’ve ever connected a device to a WiFi network, you will know that it doesn’t happen instantly. Your device will send requests to your WiFi router to connect, and when the router responds, they will perform what is called a handshake to establish a connection. To do this with Python, you can set up a loop that will keep sending requests each second until the connection handshake has been performed."
but the following code segment does not do that, it only tests if the connection has been established yet :+1:
def connect():
Connect to WLAN
The text should reflect the functionality in the code segment.