raspi / WinLLDPService

LLDP Service for Windows
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More dynamic Port Description configuration #20

Open Voljka1 opened 6 years ago

Voljka1 commented 6 years ago
raspi commented 6 years ago

tried latest version and found what I am unable to set PortDescription to just "Ethernet Adaptor". At same time SystemDescription can be set like "Personal Computer"

Port description is not configurable (yet). Could you give a reason why it should be?

I have for example three network adapters and currently the adapter information is fetched from the OS so that sysadmins can know which actual NIC is connected to which port. If port description was configurable all three cards would say "Ethernet Adapter" which isn't useful. Now I know for example that "Intel NIC (LAN)" is connected to switch 1 and "Realtek NIC (Management)" to switch 2.

Please add more examples, how to change info in ps1 config, I did google for powershell examples on getting PC info, but failed to understood how to modify config script.

I've now added more examples.

my biggest sadness: for this service to work, I need loosen powershell scripts permissions.

AllSigned ExecutionPolicy is highly recommended.

Can you keep things to absolute minimum? may be read registry keys, what can survive sysprep? I want to install PC, setup winlldp service and sysprep it. And have as little as possible security risks.

PowerShell was chosen so that information sent is flexible as possible. For example system administrator A might want OS name such as Windows 10 Pro and system administrator B might want OS version such as 10.0.16299.0 and system administrator C might want Windows 10 Pro 10.0.16299.0. If the configuration was minimal as possible this flexibility isn't then available.

You can add ExecutionPolicy and the configuration file with sysprep.

IPv6 addresses in Management Address TLV need to be written in hex form IMHO.

IPv6 address is sent correctly. Please check your switch/lldp agent configuration/manual and possible updates. Your user interface is probably messing it up. It is also possible that it doesn't support multiple IPs.

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