raspi / WinLLDPService

LLDP Service for Windows
78 stars 13 forks source link

Not support Teaming #25

Open VictorPavlushin opened 5 years ago

VictorPavlushin commented 5 years ago

Submission type

Used version of operating system

Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard

In case of bug report: Is machine connected to Active Directory?

In case of bug report: Version the issue has been seen with


In case of bug report: Capture library used

npcap v0.992

In case of bug report: PowerShell information

PowerShell version used

PS C:\Windows\system32> $PSVersionTable.PSVersion

  Major  Minor  Build  Revision
  -----  -----  -----  --------
  4      0      -1     -1      

What are your execution policies?

PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-ExecutionPolicy -List

                              Scope                         ExecutionPolicy
                              -----                         ---------------
                      MachinePolicy                               Undefined
                         UserPolicy                               Undefined
                            Process                               Undefined
                        CurrentUser                               Undefined
                       LocalMachine                            RemoteSigned

In case of bug report: Expected behaviour you didn't see

information is not sent to the switch

In case of bug report: Steps to reproduce the problem

Create LACP Team, instruction: https://www.intel.com/content/www/us/en/support/articles/000022706/network-and-i-o/ethernet-products.html

Where is the problem:

*problem in the WinLLDPService/LLDPBase/Base.cs file line 66 The physical interfaces included in the LAG do not have NetworkInterfaceComponent.IPv components. Only the "Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Protocol" is enabled, in addition to npcap**

In case of bug report: Additional details

 PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-NetAdapter | select *
 ifAlias                                          : Npcap Loopback Adapter
 InterfaceAlias                                   : Npcap Loopback Adapter
 ifIndex                                          : 29
 ifDesc                                           : Npcap Loopback Adapter
 ifName                                           : Ethernet_21
 DriverVersion                                    : 6.3.9600.16384
 LinkLayerAddress                                 : 02-00-4C-4F-4F-50
 MacAddress                                       : 02-00-4C-4F-4F-50
 Status                                           : Up
 LinkSpeed                                        : 1.2 Gbps
 MediaType                                        : 802.3
 PhysicalMediaType                                : Unspecified
 AdminStatus                                      : Up
 MediaConnectionState                             : Connected
 DriverInformation                                : Driver Date 2006-06-21 Version 6.3.9600.16384 NDIS 6.30
 DriverFileName                                   : loop.sys
 NdisVersion                                      : 6.30
 ifOperStatus                                     : Up
 Caption                                          : 
 Description                                      : 
 ElementName                                      : 
 InstanceID                                       : {8A0F2316-57AF-4F5F-B991-B50B9D781354}
 CommunicationStatus                              : 
 DetailedStatus                                   : 
 HealthState                                      : 
 InstallDate                                      : 
 Name                                             : Npcap Loopback Adapter
 OperatingStatus                                  : 
 OperationalStatus                                : 
 PrimaryStatus                                    : 
 StatusDescriptions                               : 
 AvailableRequestedStates                         : 
 EnabledDefault                                   : 2
 EnabledState                                     : 5
 OtherEnabledState                                : 
 RequestedState                                   : 12
 TimeOfLastStateChange                            : 
 TransitioningToState                             : 12
 AdditionalAvailability                           : 
 Availability                                     : 
 CreationClassName                                : MSFT_NetAdapter
 DeviceID                                         : {8A0F2316-57AF-4F5F-B991-B50B9D781354}
 ErrorCleared                                     : 
 ErrorDescription                                 : 
 IdentifyingDescriptions                          : 
 LastErrorCode                                    : 
 MaxQuiesceTime                                   : 
 OtherIdentifyingInfo                             : 
 PowerManagementCapabilities                      : 
 PowerManagementSupported                         : 
 PowerOnHours                                     : 
 StatusInfo                                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName                          : CIM_NetworkPort
 SystemName                                       : TEST1.mydomain.local
 TotalPowerOnHours                                : 
 MaxSpeed                                         : 
 OtherPortType                                    : 
 PortType                                         : 
 RequestedSpeed                                   : 
 Speed                                            : 1215752192
 UsageRestriction                                 : 
 ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit                    : 1500
 AutoSense                                        : 
 FullDuplex                                       : True
 LinkTechnology                                   : 
 NetworkAddresses                                 : {02004C4F4F50}
 OtherLinkTechnology                              : 
 OtherNetworkPortType                             : 
 PermanentAddress                                 : 02004C4F4F50
 PortNumber                                       : 0
 SupportedMaximumTransmissionUnit                 : 
 AdminLocked                                      : False
 ComponentID                                      : *msloop
 ConnectorPresent                                 : True
 DeviceName                                       : \Device\{8A0F2316-57AF-4F5F-B991-B50B9D781354}
 DeviceWakeUpEnable                               : False
 DriverDate                                       : 2006-06-21
 DriverDateData                                   : 127953216000000000
 DriverDescription                                : Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter
 DriverMajorNdisVersion                           : 6
 DriverMinorNdisVersion                           : 30
 DriverName                                       : \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\loop.sys
 DriverProvider                                   : Microsoft
 DriverVersionString                              : 6.3.9600.16384
 EndPointInterface                                : True
 HardwareInterface                                : True
 Hidden                                           : False
 HigherLayerInterfaceIndices                      : {30}
 IMFilter                                         : False
 InterfaceAdminStatus                             : 1
 InterfaceDescription                             : Npcap Loopback Adapter
 InterfaceGuid                                    : {8A0F2316-57AF-4F5F-B991-B50B9D781354}
 InterfaceIndex                                   : 29
 InterfaceName                                    : Ethernet_21
 InterfaceOperationalStatus                       : 1
 InterfaceType                                    : 6
 iSCSIInterface                                   : False
 LowerLayerInterfaceIndices                       : 
 MajorDriverVersion                               : 6
 MediaConnectState                                : 1
 MediaDuplexState                                 : 2
 MinorDriverVersion                               : 0
 MtuSize                                          : 1500
 NdisMedium                                       : 0
 NdisPhysicalMedium                               : 0
 NetLuid                                          : 1688850212585472
 NetLuidIndex                                     : 21
 NotUserRemovable                                 : False
 OperationalStatusDownDefaultPortNotAuthenticated : False
 OperationalStatusDownInterfacePaused             : False
 OperationalStatusDownLowPowerState               : False
 OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected           : False
 PnPDeviceID                                      : ROOT\NET\0000
 PromiscuousMode                                  : False
 ReceiveLinkSpeed                                 : 1215752192
 State                                            : 2
 TransmitLinkSpeed                                : 1215752192
 Virtual                                          : False
 VlanID                                           : 
 WdmInterface                                     : False
 PSComputerName                                   : 
 CimClass                                         : ROOT/StandardCimv2:MSFT_NetAdapter
 CimInstanceProperties                            : {Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID...}
 CimSystemProperties                              : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

 ifAlias                                          : Ethernet 2
 InterfaceAlias                                   : Ethernet 2
 ifIndex                                          : 13
 ifDesc                                           : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter #48
 ifName                                           : Ethernet_14
 DriverVersion                                    :
 LinkLayerAddress                                 : D8-D3-85-DE-36-04
 MacAddress                                       : D8-D3-85-DE-36-04
 Status                                           : Up
 LinkSpeed                                        : 10 Gbps
 MediaType                                        : 802.3
 PhysicalMediaType                                : 802.3
 AdminStatus                                      : Up
 MediaConnectionState                             : Connected
 DriverInformation                                : Driver Date 2017-09-08 Version NDIS 6.40
 DriverFileName                                   : bxnd60a.sys
 NdisVersion                                      : 6.40
 ifOperStatus                                     : Up
 Caption                                          : 
 Description                                      : 
 ElementName                                      : 
 InstanceID                                       : {E254BCAA-09AF-4A44-B82E-1FEC4EC95B27}
 CommunicationStatus                              : 
 DetailedStatus                                   : 
 HealthState                                      : 
 InstallDate                                      : 
 Name                                             : Ethernet 2
 OperatingStatus                                  : 
 OperationalStatus                                : 
 PrimaryStatus                                    : 
 StatusDescriptions                               : 
 AvailableRequestedStates                         : 
 EnabledDefault                                   : 2
 EnabledState                                     : 5
 OtherEnabledState                                : 
 RequestedState                                   : 12
 TimeOfLastStateChange                            : 
 TransitioningToState                             : 12
 AdditionalAvailability                           : 
 Availability                                     : 
 CreationClassName                                : MSFT_NetAdapter
 DeviceID                                         : {E254BCAA-09AF-4A44-B82E-1FEC4EC95B27}
 ErrorCleared                                     : 
 ErrorDescription                                 : 
 IdentifyingDescriptions                          : 
 LastErrorCode                                    : 
 MaxQuiesceTime                                   : 
 OtherIdentifyingInfo                             : 
 PowerManagementCapabilities                      : 
 PowerManagementSupported                         : 
 PowerOnHours                                     : 
 StatusInfo                                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName                          : CIM_NetworkPort
 SystemName                                       : TEST1.mydomain.local
 TotalPowerOnHours                                : 
 MaxSpeed                                         : 
 OtherPortType                                    : 
 PortType                                         : 
 RequestedSpeed                                   : 
 Speed                                            : 10000000000
 UsageRestriction                                 : 
 ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit                    : 1500
 AutoSense                                        : 
 FullDuplex                                       : True
 LinkTechnology                                   : 
 NetworkAddresses                                 : {D8D385DE3604}
 OtherLinkTechnology                              : 
 OtherNetworkPortType                             : 
 PermanentAddress                                 : D8D385DE3604
 PortNumber                                       : 0
 SupportedMaximumTransmissionUnit                 : 
 AdminLocked                                      : False
 ComponentID                                      : ebdrv\l2nd&pci_165014e4&subsys_7058103c
 ConnectorPresent                                 : True
 DeviceName                                       : \Device\{E254BCAA-09AF-4A44-B82E-1FEC4EC95B27}
 DeviceWakeUpEnable                               : True
 DriverDate                                       : 2017-09-08
 DriverDateData                                   : 131493024000000000
 DriverDescription                                : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 DriverMajorNdisVersion                           : 6
 DriverMinorNdisVersion                           : 40
 DriverName                                       : \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\bxnd60a.sys
 DriverProvider                                   : QLogic Corporation
 DriverVersionString                              :
 EndPointInterface                                : False
 HardwareInterface                                : True
 Hidden                                           : False
 HigherLayerInterfaceIndices                      : {21}
 IMFilter                                         : False
 InterfaceAdminStatus                             : 1
 InterfaceDescription                             : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter #48
 InterfaceGuid                                    : {E254BCAA-09AF-4A44-B82E-1FEC4EC95B27}
 InterfaceIndex                                   : 13
 InterfaceName                                    : Ethernet_14
 InterfaceOperationalStatus                       : 1
 InterfaceType                                    : 6
 iSCSIInterface                                   : False
 LowerLayerInterfaceIndices                       : 
 MajorDriverVersion                               : 7
 MediaConnectState                                : 1
 MediaDuplexState                                 : 2
 MinorDriverVersion                               : 13
 MtuSize                                          : 1500
 NdisMedium                                       : 0
 NdisPhysicalMedium                               : 14
 NetLuid                                          : 1688850095144960
 NetLuidIndex                                     : 14
 NotUserRemovable                                 : False
 OperationalStatusDownDefaultPortNotAuthenticated : False
 OperationalStatusDownInterfacePaused             : False
 OperationalStatusDownLowPowerState               : False
 OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected           : False
 PnPDeviceID                                      : EBDRV\L2ND&PCI_165014E4&SUBSYS_7058103C&REV_00\5&1796A281&0&20050200
 PromiscuousMode                                  : True
 ReceiveLinkSpeed                                 : 10000000000
 State                                            : 2
 TransmitLinkSpeed                                : 10000000000
 Virtual                                          : False
 VlanID                                           : 0
 WdmInterface                                     : True
 PSComputerName                                   : 
 CimClass                                         : ROOT/StandardCimv2:MSFT_NetAdapter
 CimInstanceProperties                            : {Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID...}
 CimSystemProperties                              : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

 ifAlias                                          : Ethernet
 InterfaceAlias                                   : Ethernet
 ifIndex                                          : 12
 ifDesc                                           : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter #47
 ifName                                           : Ethernet_10
 DriverVersion                                    :
 LinkLayerAddress                                 : D8-D3-85-DE-36-00
 MacAddress                                       : D8-D3-85-DE-36-00
 Status                                           : Up
 LinkSpeed                                        : 10 Gbps
 MediaType                                        : 802.3
 PhysicalMediaType                                : 802.3
 AdminStatus                                      : Up
 MediaConnectionState                             : Connected
 DriverInformation                                : Driver Date 2017-09-08 Version NDIS 6.40
 DriverFileName                                   : bxnd60a.sys
 NdisVersion                                      : 6.40
 ifOperStatus                                     : Up
 Caption                                          : 
 Description                                      : 
 ElementName                                      : 
 InstanceID                                       : {6A14FE62-1A23-4380-A3BE-BF1756BF4532}
 CommunicationStatus                              : 
 DetailedStatus                                   : 
 HealthState                                      : 
 InstallDate                                      : 
 Name                                             : Ethernet
 OperatingStatus                                  : 
 OperationalStatus                                : 
 PrimaryStatus                                    : 
 StatusDescriptions                               : 
 AvailableRequestedStates                         : 
 EnabledDefault                                   : 2
 EnabledState                                     : 5
 OtherEnabledState                                : 
 RequestedState                                   : 12
 TimeOfLastStateChange                            : 
 TransitioningToState                             : 12
 AdditionalAvailability                           : 
 Availability                                     : 
 CreationClassName                                : MSFT_NetAdapter
 DeviceID                                         : {6A14FE62-1A23-4380-A3BE-BF1756BF4532}
 ErrorCleared                                     : 
 ErrorDescription                                 : 
 IdentifyingDescriptions                          : 
 LastErrorCode                                    : 
 MaxQuiesceTime                                   : 
 OtherIdentifyingInfo                             : 
 PowerManagementCapabilities                      : 
 PowerManagementSupported                         : 
 PowerOnHours                                     : 
 StatusInfo                                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName                          : CIM_NetworkPort
 SystemName                                       : TEST1.mydomain.local
 TotalPowerOnHours                                : 
 MaxSpeed                                         : 
 OtherPortType                                    : 
 PortType                                         : 
 RequestedSpeed                                   : 
 Speed                                            : 10000000000
 UsageRestriction                                 : 
 ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit                    : 1500
 AutoSense                                        : 
 FullDuplex                                       : True
 LinkTechnology                                   : 
 NetworkAddresses                                 : {D8D385DE3600}
 OtherLinkTechnology                              : 
 OtherNetworkPortType                             : 
 PermanentAddress                                 : D8D385DE3600
 PortNumber                                       : 0
 SupportedMaximumTransmissionUnit                 : 
 AdminLocked                                      : False
 ComponentID                                      : ebdrv\l2nd&pci_165014e4&subsys_7058103c
 ConnectorPresent                                 : True
 DeviceName                                       : \Device\{6A14FE62-1A23-4380-A3BE-BF1756BF4532}
 DeviceWakeUpEnable                               : True
 DriverDate                                       : 2017-09-08
 DriverDateData                                   : 131493024000000000
 DriverDescription                                : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 DriverMajorNdisVersion                           : 6
 DriverMinorNdisVersion                           : 40
 DriverName                                       : \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\bxnd60a.sys
 DriverProvider                                   : QLogic Corporation
 DriverVersionString                              :
 EndPointInterface                                : False
 HardwareInterface                                : True
 Hidden                                           : False
 HigherLayerInterfaceIndices                      : {20}
 IMFilter                                         : False
 InterfaceAdminStatus                             : 1
 InterfaceDescription                             : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter #47
 InterfaceGuid                                    : {6A14FE62-1A23-4380-A3BE-BF1756BF4532}
 InterfaceIndex                                   : 12
 InterfaceName                                    : Ethernet_10
 InterfaceOperationalStatus                       : 1
 InterfaceType                                    : 6
 iSCSIInterface                                   : False
 LowerLayerInterfaceIndices                       : 
 MajorDriverVersion                               : 7
 MediaConnectState                                : 1
 MediaDuplexState                                 : 2
 MinorDriverVersion                               : 13
 MtuSize                                          : 1500
 NdisMedium                                       : 0
 NdisPhysicalMedium                               : 14
 NetLuid                                          : 1688850028036096
 NetLuidIndex                                     : 10
 NotUserRemovable                                 : False
 OperationalStatusDownDefaultPortNotAuthenticated : False
 OperationalStatusDownInterfacePaused             : False
 OperationalStatusDownLowPowerState               : False
 OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected           : False
 PnPDeviceID                                      : EBDRV\L2ND&PCI_165014E4&SUBSYS_7058103C&REV_00\5&3A9844DE&0&20050200
 PromiscuousMode                                  : False
 ReceiveLinkSpeed                                 : 10000000000
 State                                            : 2
 TransmitLinkSpeed                                : 10000000000
 Virtual                                          : False
 VlanID                                           : 0
 WdmInterface                                     : True
 PSComputerName                                   : 
 CimClass                                         : ROOT/StandardCimv2:MSFT_NetAdapter
 CimInstanceProperties                            : {Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID...}
 CimSystemProperties                              : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

 ifAlias                                          : LAC Team
 InterfaceAlias                                   : LAC Team
 ifIndex                                          : 15
 ifDesc                                           : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 ifName                                           : Ethernet_11
 DriverVersion                                    : 6.3.9600.16384
 LinkLayerAddress                                 : D8-D3-85-DE-36-00
 MacAddress                                       : D8-D3-85-DE-36-00
 Status                                           : Up
 LinkSpeed                                        : 20 Gbps
 MediaType                                        : 802.3
 PhysicalMediaType                                : 802.3
 AdminStatus                                      : Up
 MediaConnectionState                             : Connected
 DriverInformation                                : Driver Date 2006-06-21 Version 6.3.9600.16384 NDIS 6.40
 DriverFileName                                   : NdisImPlatform.sys
 NdisVersion                                      : 6.40
 ifOperStatus                                     : Up
 Caption                                          : 
 Description                                      : 
 ElementName                                      : 
 InstanceID                                       : {C51CAFC3-58F0-42CB-A4C9-0950FAEF4821}
 CommunicationStatus                              : 
 DetailedStatus                                   : 
 HealthState                                      : 
 InstallDate                                      : 
 Name                                             : LAC Team
 OperatingStatus                                  : 
 OperationalStatus                                : 
 PrimaryStatus                                    : 
 StatusDescriptions                               : 
 AvailableRequestedStates                         : 
 EnabledDefault                                   : 2
 EnabledState                                     : 5
 OtherEnabledState                                : 
 RequestedState                                   : 12
 TimeOfLastStateChange                            : 
 TransitioningToState                             : 12
 AdditionalAvailability                           : 
 Availability                                     : 
 CreationClassName                                : MSFT_NetAdapter
 DeviceID                                         : {C51CAFC3-58F0-42CB-A4C9-0950FAEF4821}
 ErrorCleared                                     : 
 ErrorDescription                                 : 
 IdentifyingDescriptions                          : 
 LastErrorCode                                    : 
 MaxQuiesceTime                                   : 
 OtherIdentifyingInfo                             : 
 PowerManagementCapabilities                      : 
 PowerManagementSupported                         : 
 PowerOnHours                                     : 
 StatusInfo                                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName                          : CIM_NetworkPort
 SystemName                                       : TEST1.mydomain.local
 TotalPowerOnHours                                : 
 MaxSpeed                                         : 
 OtherPortType                                    : 
 PortType                                         : 
 RequestedSpeed                                   : 
 Speed                                            : 20000000000
 UsageRestriction                                 : 
 ActiveMaximumTransmissionUnit                    : 1500
 AutoSense                                        : 
 FullDuplex                                       : True
 LinkTechnology                                   : 
 NetworkAddresses                                 : {D8D385DE3600}
 OtherLinkTechnology                              : 
 OtherNetworkPortType                             : 
 PermanentAddress                                 : D8D385DE3600
 PortNumber                                       : 0
 SupportedMaximumTransmissionUnit                 : 
 AdminLocked                                      : False
 ComponentID                                      : compositebus\ms_implat_mp
 ConnectorPresent                                 : False
 DeviceName                                       : \Device\{C51CAFC3-58F0-42CB-A4C9-0950FAEF4821}
 DeviceWakeUpEnable                               : True
 DriverDate                                       : 2006-06-21
 DriverDateData                                   : 127953216000000000
 DriverDescription                                : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 DriverMajorNdisVersion                           : 6
 DriverMinorNdisVersion                           : 40
 DriverName                                       : \SystemRoot\system32\DRIVERS\NdisImPlatform.sys
 DriverProvider                                   : Microsoft
 DriverVersionString                              : 6.3.9600.16384
 EndPointInterface                                : False
 HardwareInterface                                : False
 Hidden                                           : False
 HigherLayerInterfaceIndices                      : {25}
 IMFilter                                         : False
 InterfaceAdminStatus                             : 1
 InterfaceDescription                             : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 InterfaceGuid                                    : {C51CAFC3-58F0-42CB-A4C9-0950FAEF4821}
 InterfaceIndex                                   : 15
 InterfaceName                                    : Ethernet_11
 InterfaceOperationalStatus                       : 1
 InterfaceType                                    : 6
 iSCSIInterface                                   : False
 LowerLayerInterfaceIndices                       : {22}
 MajorDriverVersion                               : 1
 MediaConnectState                                : 1
 MediaDuplexState                                 : 2
 MinorDriverVersion                               : 1
 MtuSize                                          : 1500
 NdisMedium                                       : 0
 NdisPhysicalMedium                               : 14
 NetLuid                                          : 1688850044813312
 NetLuidIndex                                     : 11
 NotUserRemovable                                 : True
 OperationalStatusDownDefaultPortNotAuthenticated : False
 OperationalStatusDownInterfacePaused             : False
 OperationalStatusDownLowPowerState               : False
 OperationalStatusDownMediaDisconnected           : False
 PnPDeviceID                                      : COMPOSITEBUS\MS_IMPLAT_MP\{441B6074-7871-4D44-87A5-FE5CB83DF525}
 PromiscuousMode                                  : False
 ReceiveLinkSpeed                                 : 20000000000
 State                                            : 2
 TransmitLinkSpeed                                : 20000000000
 Virtual                                          : True
 VlanID                                           : 65535
 WdmInterface                                     : False
 PSComputerName                                   : 
 CimClass                                         : ROOT/StandardCimv2:MSFT_NetAdapter
 CimInstanceProperties                            : {Caption, Description, ElementName, InstanceID...}
 CimSystemProperties                              : Microsoft.Management.Infrastructure.CimSystemProperties

 PS C:\Windows\system32> Get-WmiObject -Class Win32_NetworkAdapter | select *

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (L2TP)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 0
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="0"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="0"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000000] WAN Miniport (L2TP)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (L2TP)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 0
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 2
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_L2TPMINIPORT\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (L2TP)
 ServiceName                 : Rasl2tp
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="0"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (SSTP)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 1
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="1"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="1"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000001] WAN Miniport (SSTP)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (SSTP)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 1
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 3
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_SSTPMINIPORT\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (SSTP)
 ServiceName                 : RasSstp
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="1"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 2
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="2"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="2"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000002] WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 2
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 4
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_AGILEVPNMINIPORT\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (IKEv2)
 ServiceName                 : RasAgileVpn
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="2"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (PPTP)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 3
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="3"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="3"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000003] WAN Miniport (PPTP)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (PPTP)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 3
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 5
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_PPTPMINIPORT\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (PPTP)
 ServiceName                 : PptpMiniport
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="3"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 4
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="4"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="4"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000004] WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 4
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 6
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_PPPOEMINIPORT\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (PPPOE)
 ServiceName                 : RasPppoe
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="4"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (IP)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 5
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="5"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="5"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000005] WAN Miniport (IP)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (IP)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 5
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 7
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_NDISWANIP\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (IP)
 ServiceName                 : NdisWan
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="5"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (IPv6)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 6
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="6"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="6"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000006] WAN Miniport (IPv6)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (IPv6)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 6
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 8
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_NDISWANIPV6\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (IPv6)
 ServiceName                 : NdisWan
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="6"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 7
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="7"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="7"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000007] WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 7
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 9
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_NDISWANBH\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : WAN Miniport (Network Monitor)
 ServiceName                 : NdisWan
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="7"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 8
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="8"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="8"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000008] Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 8
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 10
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\KDNIC\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : Microsoft Kernel Debug Network Adapter
 ServiceName                 : kdnic
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="8"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : RAS Async Adapter
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 9
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="9"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="9"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000009] RAS Async Adapter
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : 
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : RAS Async Adapter
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 9
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 11
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : 
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : 
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : RAS Async Adapter
 ServiceName                 : 
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="9"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 10
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="10"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="10"
 AdapterType                 : Ethernet 802.3
 AdapterTypeId               : 0
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000010] HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : {6A14FE62-1A23-4380-A3BE-BF1756BF4532}
 Index                       : 10
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 12
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : D8:D3:85:DE:36:00
 Manufacturer                : QLogic Corporation
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : Ethernet
 NetConnectionStatus         : 2
 NetEnabled                  : True
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : True
 PNPDeviceID                 : EBDRV\L2ND&PCI_165014E4&SUBSYS_7058103C&REV_00\5&3A9844DE&0&20050200
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 ServiceName                 : l2nd
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="10"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 11
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="11"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="11"
 AdapterType                 : Ethernet 802.3
 AdapterTypeId               : 0
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000011] HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : {E254BCAA-09AF-4A44-B82E-1FEC4EC95B27}
 Index                       : 11
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 13
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : D8:D3:85:DE:36:04
 Manufacturer                : QLogic Corporation
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : Ethernet 2
 NetConnectionStatus         : 2
 NetEnabled                  : True
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : True
 PNPDeviceID                 : EBDRV\L2ND&PCI_165014E4&SUBSYS_7058103C&REV_00\5&1796A281&0&20050200
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : HP NC532i Dual Port 10GbE Multifunction BL-c Adapter
 ServiceName                 : l2nd
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="11"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Default Miniport
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 12
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="12"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="12"
 AdapterType                 : 
 AdapterTypeId               : 
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000012] Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Default Miniport
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Default Miniport
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : 
 Index                       : 12
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 14
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : 
 NetConnectionStatus         : 
 NetEnabled                  : 
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : False
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\MS_IMPLAT_DEF_MP\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Default Miniport
 ServiceName                 : NdisImPlatformMp
 Speed                       : 
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="12"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 13
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="13"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="13"
 AdapterType                 : Ethernet 802.3
 AdapterTypeId               : 0
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000013] Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : {C51CAFC3-58F0-42CB-A4C9-0950FAEF4821}
 Index                       : 13
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 15
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : D8:D3:85:DE:36:00
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : LAC Team
 NetConnectionStatus         : 2
 NetEnabled                  : True
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : True
 PNPDeviceID                 : COMPOSITEBUS\MS_IMPLAT_MP\{441B6074-7871-4D44-87A5-FE5CB83DF525}
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : Microsoft Network Adapter Multiplexor Driver
 ServiceName                 : NdisImPlatformMp
 Speed                       : 20000000000
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="13"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 

 PSComputerName              : TEST1
 Availability                : 3
 Name                        : Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter
 Status                      : 
 StatusInfo                  : 
 DeviceID                    : 14
 __GENUS                     : 2
 __CLASS                     : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 __SUPERCLASS                : CIM_NetworkAdapter
 __DYNASTY                   : CIM_ManagedSystemElement
 __RELPATH                   : Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="14"
 __PROPERTY_COUNT            : 40
 __DERIVATION                : {CIM_NetworkAdapter, CIM_LogicalDevice, CIM_LogicalElement, CIM_ManagedSystemElement}
 __SERVER                    : TEST1
 __NAMESPACE                 : root\cimv2
 __PATH                      : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="14"
 AdapterType                 : Ethernet 802.3
 AdapterTypeId               : 0
 AutoSense                   : 
 Caption                     : [00000014] Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter
 ConfigManagerErrorCode      : 0
 ConfigManagerUserConfig     : False
 CreationClassName           : Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Description                 : Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter
 ErrorCleared                : 
 ErrorDescription            : 
 GUID                        : {8A0F2316-57AF-4F5F-B991-B50B9D781354}
 Index                       : 14
 InstallDate                 : 
 Installed                   : True
 InterfaceIndex              : 29
 LastErrorCode               : 
 MACAddress                  : 02:00:4C:4F:4F:50
 Manufacturer                : Microsoft
 MaxNumberControlled         : 0
 MaxSpeed                    : 
 NetConnectionID             : Npcap Loopback Adapter
 NetConnectionStatus         : 2
 NetEnabled                  : True
 NetworkAddresses            : 
 PermanentAddress            : 
 PhysicalAdapter             : True
 PNPDeviceID                 : ROOT\NET\0000
 PowerManagementCapabilities : 
 PowerManagementSupported    : False
 ProductName                 : Microsoft KM-TEST Loopback Adapter
 ServiceName                 : kmloop
 Speed                       : 1215752192
 SystemCreationClassName     : Win32_ComputerSystem
 SystemName                  : TEST1
 TimeOfLastReset             : 20190329120728.488088+420
 Scope                       : System.Management.ManagementScope
 Path                        : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter.DeviceID="14"
 Options                     : System.Management.ObjectGetOptions
 ClassPath                   : \\TEST1\root\cimv2:Win32_NetworkAdapter
 Properties                  : {AdapterType, AdapterTypeId, AutoSense, Availability...}
 SystemProperties            : {__GENUS, __CLASS, __SUPERCLASS, __DYNASTY...}
 Qualifiers                  : {dynamic, Locale, provider, UUID}
 Site                        : 
 Container                   : 
changsijay commented 5 years ago

Hi @raspi any update on this issue? seems GetAllNetworkInterfaces cannot get all adapters :(

raspi commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately I lack the network gear for testing LAGG stuff.

VictorPavlushin commented 5 years ago

Here is the function which I collect this information using ansible

$result = @{
    changed = $false
    ansible_facts = @{
        ethtool = @{}
        serverinfo = @{}

Function win2012andmore {

    try {
        $eths = Get-NetAdapter -physical | Select-Object name, MacAddress, Status, Speed
    } catch {
        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to search the network on the target: $($_.Exception.Message)"

    foreach($eth in $eths){
        $eth_info = @{}
        $eth_info.mac = $eth.MacAddress.ToLower() -replace "-",":"
        $eth_info.type = "physical"
        if($eth.Status -eq "Up"){
            $eth_info.link_detected = "yes"
            $eth_info.link_detected = "no"

        $eth_info.ip = @()
        $IPS = ''
            $IPS = Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $eth.Name | Where-Object {$_.AddressFamily -eq "ipv4" } | Select-Object IPAddress, PrefixLength

        foreach( $IP in $IPS) {
                $eth_info.ip += $IP.IPAddress + "/" + $IP.PrefixLength
        if($eth.Speed -eq 10000000000){
            $eth_info.dev_type = "SFP+ (10GE)"
        }elseif($eth.Speed -eq 10000000){
            $eth_info.dev_type = "1000BASE-T (1GE)"
            $eth_info.dev_type = "Other"

        $result.ansible_facts.ethtool.Add($eth.Name, $eth_info)

    # Search network team
    try {
        $netteams = Get-NetLbfoTeam | Select-Object Name, Members, Status
    } catch {
        Fail-Json -obj $result -message "Failed to search the network team on the target: $($_.Exception.Message)"
    foreach ($netteam in $netteams) {
        $team_info = @{}

        $team_info.slave = @()
        foreach( $eth in $netteam.Members ){
            $team_info.slave += $eth
            $result.ansible_facts.ethtool[$eth].Add("master", $netteam.Name)
        if($netteam.Status -eq 0){
            $team_info.link_detected = "yes"
            $team_info.link_detected = "no"
        $team_info.dev_type = "Link Aggregation Group (LAG)"
        $team_info.type = "virtual"

        $mac = Get-NetAdapter -Name $netteam.Name | Select-Object MacAddress
        $team_info.mac = $mac.MacAddress.ToLower() -replace "-",":"

            $IPS = Get-NetIPAddress -InterfaceAlias $netteam.Name | Select-Object IPAddress, PrefixLength

        $team_info.ip = @()
        foreach( $IP in $IPS) {
            $team_info.ip += $IP.IPAddress + "/" + $IP.PrefixLength
        $result.ansible_facts.ethtool.Add($netteam.Name, $team_info)
changsijay commented 5 years ago

@raspi I have many machines with multiple NICs can test for you. As I experiments, powershell Get-NetAdapter can get all NICs and also WMI query do. but C# GetAllNetworkInterfaces not.

someone got the same issue too: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/25624472/getallnetworkinterfaces-return-an-incomplete-list

VictorPavlushin commented 5 years ago

In C++, I used the GetIfTable2 function to get a list of all interfaces. And in C# you can use methods and classes from C++.