raspiduino / waq

Run Windows 10 for ARM64 on QEMU
MIT License
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Can't boot likely some error #8

Open xon54 opened 1 year ago

xon54 commented 1 year ago


After exit from shell and booting from boot manager felling this error . Currently using on aarch64 server. Its not raspberry pi

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

So, this is a common error people might encounter in my uploaded image.

The fix is easy:

Good luck and thanks!

xon54 commented 1 year ago

Any details guide or step am really so noob. And never used before too much😐

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Any details guide or step am really so noob. And never used before too much😐

Ok sure, give me a bit of time

raspiduino commented 1 year ago


Follow from step 2. When there is a menu of options, choose Disable Driver Signature Enforcement

xon54 commented 1 year ago


Sorry to bothering now this error currently using this display other none are working ( -device virtio-gpu-pci) Am trying install this on "Oracle Cloud Arm instance" i don't know it's will work or not

xon54 commented 1 year ago


On (-device VGA) showing error ( -device VGA: failed to find romfile "vgabios-stdvga.bin") But in ( -device virtio-gpu-pci) Showing Display Output is not active what should i do 😐

xon54 commented 1 year ago

Any other way that i can use with vnc connection

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Use -device ramfb

Btw download latest prebuilt of EDK2 here, then round the size to 64MB, and ramfb should work

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Bruh, I cannot see that image

xon54 commented 1 year ago


xon54 commented 1 year ago

qemu-system-aarch64 -name "Windows 10 on ARM64" -M virt -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 3 --accel tcg,thread=multi -m 2048 -pflash QEMU_EFI.img -pflash QEMUVARS.img -device ramfb -device nec-usb-xhci -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse -device usb-storage,drive=boot -drive if=none,id=boot,file="woa17134.img" -device usb-storage,drive=drivercdrom -drive file="virtio-win-0.1.185.iso",media=cdrom,if=none,id=drivercdrom

Full bash

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Have you downloaded the new EDK firmware?

xon54 commented 1 year ago



xon54 commented 1 year ago

Can we discuss in Telegram? @saonx54

raspiduino commented 1 year ago



Replace QEMU_EFI.fd file with it after resize the new EFI file to 64mb

xon54 commented 1 year ago

Don't know how to resize making pain bruh🤣🤣

raspiduino commented 1 year ago


xon54 commented 1 year ago

I did run

_dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=64 of=QEMU_EFI.img and then dd if=QEMUEFI.fd bs=1M of=flash0.img conv=notrunc. Then when run qemu output is Could not open option rom 'vgabios-ramfb.bin': No such file or directory And still same display problem Screenshot_20220916-101743


xon54 commented 1 year ago


This my full command and (qemu-system-aarch64 -name "Windows 10 on ARM64" -M virt -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 3 --accel tcg,thread=multi -m 2048 -pflash QEMU_EFI.img -pflash QEMU_VARS.img -device ramfb -device nec-usb-xhci -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse -device usb-storage,drive=boot -drive if=none,id=boot,file="woa_17134.img" -device usb-storage,drive=drivercdrom -drive file="virtio-win-0.1.185.iso",media=cdrom,if=none,id=drivercdrom)

is anything wrong

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

qemu-system-aarch64 -name "Windows 10 on ARM64" -M virt -cpu cortex-a72 -smp 3 --accel tcg,thread=multi -m 2048 -pflash flash0.img -pflash QEMU_VARS.img -device ramfb -device nec-usb-xhci -device usb-kbd -device usb-mouse -device usb-storage,drive=boot -drive if=none,id=boot,file="woa_17134.img" -device usb-storage,drive=drivercdrom -drive file="virtio-win-0.1.185.iso",media=cdrom,if=none,id=drivercdrom)

xon54 commented 1 year ago


raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Lmao you got the wrong thing.

Ok, now delete QEMU_EFI.img. Then run:

dd if=/dev/zero bs=1M count=64 of=flash0.img
dd if=QEMU_EFI.fd bs=1M of=flash0.img conv=notrunc
xon54 commented 1 year ago

Screenshot_20220916-231057 Wow man you are amazing ❤️ Any way to connect with vnc? And i have 20 gb ram on ubuntu and want use 10gb for qemu.

xon54 commented 1 year ago


Am currently running on server so i like to use vnc connection and this message not closing

xon54 commented 1 year ago


Mouse doesn't working correctly so that's why i want use vnc and in qemu showing double mouse.

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

To use vnc, add -vnc :1 to the command line. Then the VNC port will be 5901. To use 5902 port then add use -vnc :2. It works that way (don't know why)

If you has SSH access to your instance on Oracle Cloud, you can try forwarding port via SSH, for example -L 5901:locahost:5901.

Or you may want to try ngrok: ngrok tcp 5901

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Maybe you deleted the comment, or it doesn't appear here. But not showing QEMU window is an expected behaviour when using -vnc

xon54 commented 1 year ago

Actually windows booted successful and i can view via vnc ngrok and localhost vnc , but problem i actually face mouse doesn't working in vnc , also in qemu mouse work but randomly totally out of my control

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Add -device usb-tablet after -device usb-mouse

Also, a small note: If your Oracle instance is arm64 and supports nested VZ (not likely unless they have ARMv8.4+ cores), you can enable KVM for faster performance

xon54 commented 1 year ago




Cause this error

xon54 commented 1 year ago

Everything good so last i want. Windows working bit Slow and there any way to get internet work? coz is important for me. And way to manage disk space it's Showing 6GIB. Thank you.

raspiduino commented 1 year ago




Cause this error

Remove --accel tcg,thread=multi

But first check if /dev/kvm exist

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

Everything good so last i want. Windows working bit Slow and there any way to get internet work? coz is important for me. And way to manage disk space it's Showing 6GIB. Thank you.

For networking, adding virtio-net device should work (Google search for that)

And then install virtio driver

raspiduino commented 1 year ago

For disk space, I think if you want to expand the disk, you should add a separate disk (to avoid damage to the Windows image)