rastapasta / mapscii

🗺 MapSCII is a Braille & ASCII world map renderer for your console - enter => telnet mapscii.me <= on Mac (brew install telnet) and Linux, connect with PuTTY on Windows
MIT License
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Plotting Markers #97

Open paulcalabro opened 3 years ago

paulcalabro commented 3 years ago

Very cool app! Is there any way to plot markers on the map? (e.g. if I wanted to put markers on countries where web traffic was originating from)?

jaller94 commented 3 years ago

It's currently not possible but wouldn't be too hard to achieve – given that one has time for further development. This sounds similar to the feature wish #35.

rastapasta commented 3 years ago

There is a (slowly ongoing) MapSCII refactor to version 2 with full support for GeoJSON piping and loading upcoming - time is spare but love is big, so stay tuned :)

HiveTechDev commented 2 years ago

this would be so amazing for so many reasons. would be SO nice to have even any sort default markers, taking lat longs as params.

[ [lat,lng]... ]

I could use this in 100 ways with a bunch of node based terminal programs I've made. IE: weather data, testing API's, dumping micro controllers previous positions etc.

Man, if i could do that in terminal and quickly lookup locations relative to even a handful of points. would be awesome. Regardless, its awe inspiring work!

mbolli commented 2 years ago

Yep that would be great, especially with GeoJSON support. Imagine cat route.geojson | mapscii!

hemna commented 2 years ago

Man this would be cool. I am a HAM radio operator that does APRS that can show locations of HAM stations on a map such as http://aprs.fi can. I'd love to be able to integrate this app to show beacons on the map in real time.

rcmart3q commented 1 year ago

If I am understanding correctly, MAPSCII pulls its map data from webAPIs and renders it. Is it possible to host your own mapAPI, update the markers on the map server and then just use MAPSCII as a viewer?

JMOCARRO commented 7 months ago

Is there actually a way to add a point to the map and if so how?