Closed rasvaan closed 8 years ago
Pages todo
$("#expertiseDivExpertiseMaster").append( $.el.div({'class':'row'}, $.el.div({'class':'col-md-10 col-md-offset-1'}, $.el.span({'id':'masterLabelLeft'}, sldNothing), expertiseSlider("master"), $.el.span({'id':'masterLabelRight'}, sldALot))));
?alertMessage(title, text, type) {$("#eventsDiv").prepend(....
This will be moved to a new feature branch.
Before we update all this, I would really like to investigate the possibility of doing some sort of templating, by adding variables to the static HTML which are instantiated on the back-end according to given parameters. The programmatic flow would be something like this:
and Domain
are retrieved from requestI think the quasi quotations could help, this provides functionality for generating html:
element -->
{rdf(UI, dcterms:title, literal(lang(en, Title)))},
If we could replace <h1>Title</h1>
with the static page and populate the list of variables added tot html(Title)
dynamically this would bring us a long way in implementing point 4, 5 and 6. We should ask Jan if this is easily achieved.
Test pages:
Further testing:
logos on the bible page not very visible in the bible domain this might be something to have a look at during the templating.
IDs are used within Accurator for injecting code, injecting localised labels and formatting using CSS. Having a consistent naming scheme for IDs will make the code more manageable in the future.
IDs should be formulated according to the following scheme:
List of possible
and their abbreviated versions:expertise.html
)List of current
(a page or an element that is occurring on multiple pages):Note: name of the modal or the name of the form + a description of the functionality if multiple controls exist such that we can differentiate between them