rasvaan / accurator

Accurator cpack
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Get existing annotations from server #203

Closed rasvaan closed 8 years ago

rasvaan commented 8 years ago

Get existing annotations from server, allowing the population of the tag list and allowing review. Code can be based on annotation.js

getTags : function(ev, oSelf) {
                var targetURI = this.get('target');
                var field     = this.get('field');
                var oSelf     = this;
                Y.io(this.get("store.get"), {
                   method: 'GET',
                   data: {
                     hasTarget: targetURI,
                     field:     field
                   on: {
                       success: function(e,o) {
                          var r = Y.JSON.parse(o.responseText);
                          if (r && r[field] && r[field].annotations) {
                            var ans = r[field].annotations;
                            var len = ans.length;
                            var user = oSelf.get('user');
                            var myMetaTags = oSelf.get('myMetaTags');
                            for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
                                // look for relevant meta annotations
                                    var annotation_target_uri = ans[i].hasTarget['@id'];
                                if (!annotation_target_uri) continue; // probably a fragment annotation

                                if (targetURI == annotation_target_uri) continue // normal annotation
                                var annotation_user = ans[i].annotatedBy;

                                if (user != annotation_user) continue // meta annotation from other user

                                var annotation_body = ans[i].hasBody['@id']?ans[i].hasBody['@id']:ans[i].hasBody['@value'];
                                var annotation_motiv = ans[i].motivatedBy;
                                if (!myMetaTags[annotation_target_uri])
                                  myMetaTags[annotation_target_uri] = {};
                                if (annotation_motiv == Annotation.MOTIVATION.commenting)
                                  myMetaTags[annotation_target_uri][annotation_motiv] = ans[i];
                                  myMetaTags[annotation_target_uri][annotation_body] = ans[i];
                            oSelf.set('myMetaTags', myMetaTags);

                            for (var i=0; i<len; i++) {
                                if (!oSelf.enabled('showTag', ans[i])) continue; // hack for exp usage
                                oSelf.tags.add(ans[i]); // normal image fragment tag
                                oSelf.addTagFragment(ans[i], true);