raszi / node-tmp

Temporary file and directory creator for node.js
MIT License
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cleanup results in impossible to debug EBADF error if file descriptor is already closed #260

Closed rijnhard closed 3 years ago

rijnhard commented 3 years ago

Operating System

NodeJS Version

Tmp Version


Expected Behavior

safely handle cleanup for streams even if the file descriptor is already closed.

Experienced Behavior

<rejected> [Error: EBADF: bad file descriptor, close] {
    errno: -9,
    code: 'EBADF',
    syscall: 'close'
import { createWriteStream } from 'fs';
import { pipeline } from 'stream';
import _tmp from 'tmp';
import { promisify } from 'util';

const ppipeline = promisify(pipeline);

function tmpFile(options = {}) {
    options = Object.assign(options, { dir: 'blah' });

    return new Promise((resolve, reject) => {
        _tmp.file(options, (err, path, fd, cleanup) => {
            if (err) {
            } else {
                resolve({ path, fd, cleanup });

async function tmpFileStream(options) {
    const { path, fd, cleanup } = await tmpFile(options),
        stream = createWriteStream(path, { fd });

    return {
        // this causes unhanded promise exceptions EBADF: bad file descriptor

async main() {
    const streams = [],
        temporary = await tmpFileStream({ postfix: `archive.${archiver.config.format}` });

   streams.pipeline(/*useless empty stream that's paused*/, temporary.stream);
   /*aborted useless stream - which cshould/does trigger all other streams to close (because of pipeline)*/
   temporary.cleanup(); // generated a nasty error in its own stack that's untracable

silkentrance commented 3 years ago

@rijnhard I guess that you are you using tmp-promise?

See https://github.com/benjamingr/tmp-promise/blob/3154ff6a7cf59d21bb8047814b4c10c978417321/index.js#L20 where @benjamingr uses await temporary.cleanup() instead of just calling it. Perhaps this is the solution to your problem?

benjamingr commented 3 years ago

I think this is unrelated (I'm not sure why I await it btw). I also don't think OP is using tmp-promise but is promisifying themselves.

I'll put on my "node streams maintainer" hat and not my "tmp-promise" maintainer hat for a second.

streams.pipeline takes a (non optional) callback as its last argument, you are passing a stream to it. I don't think that's supposed to work. I'm assuming you promisified it somehow? (if that's ppipeline above you id not use it below - nor did you await its result).

If you look at our docs they say:

stream.pipeline() will call stream.destroy(err) on all streams except:

  • Readable streams which have emitted 'end' or 'close'.
  • Writable streams which have emitted 'finish' or 'close'.

As the stream was already destroyed (and thus the file was closed) - calling .cleanup again on an already disposed file is most likely an error (you can just remove it - pipeline will take care of it for you).

I think this (erroring) is probably the correct behaviour.

benjamingr commented 3 years ago

To be clear: this is very easy to "fix" in the tmp code - but I believe the current behaviour is correct.

rijnhard commented 3 years ago


I am not using tmp-promise, and I am promisifying it myself. You are also correct in that pipeline is already closing the stream.

As a rule of thumb, I try it explicitly cleanup where possible especially when catching an error, because that's how memory leaks happen.

I do tend to agree with you in that tmp is not doing anything wrong per say, but...

It would be really nice if cleanup just didn't error if being called again, or if I could at least pass a flag to the factory function to tell it to not throw an error if the file was already cleaned up.

rijnhard commented 3 years ago

maybe for debate's sake I'll ask: What purpose does throwing an error serve when attempting to cleanup a file that is already cleaned up?

benjamingr commented 3 years ago

It covers a programmer bug - imagine you had two files and instead of cleaning up them you clean up the first file twice. If that's an error you see the big quickly and fix it. If it's not an error you get a leak.

It's very easy to wrap it with a .catch but I think the current default is probably preferable

rijnhard commented 3 years ago

@benjamingr the catch is that its literally impossible to catch in userland. No amount of try/catch will stop an unhandled error from being generated (at least no amount my sacrificing goats at the alter of tmp managed to suppress this).

So even though I have a bit of a different view, I do agree that that in your scenario of two files it could mask an error. That said, I'm now more convinced that I should either be able to wrap it in a try-catch or have a way of suppressing the error.

benjamingr commented 3 years ago

It doesn't suppress the error if you just .catch on the promise returned? 🤔

silkentrance commented 3 years ago

@rijnhard have you tried the option detachDescriptor?

silkentrance commented 3 years ago

Closing as this can easily be achieved by the detachDescriptor option.

silkentrance commented 3 years ago

@benjamingr thank you for your invaluable contribution, I really appreciated this!

benjamingr commented 3 years ago

Happy to help :]

silkentrance commented 3 years ago

@benjamingr I invited you to this in order for @rijnhard to realize that there is the detachDescriptor option, which seems to be lost on @rijnhard. Maybe we should work on the existing documentation to make it more clear.