ratanakvlun / deluge-ltconfig

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Boolean-settings can't be set in GTKUI with ltConfig-2.0.0. #19

Open mhertz opened 4 years ago

mhertz commented 4 years ago

As the previous fork/pull-request which made support for deluge2, then this also has issues with boolean-settings, and only settings with numbers or chars can be set, though they are picked up fine from ltconfig.conf luckily. Nothing relevant in debug-logs.

Thanks in advance.

(Arch-linux with latest stable of all relevant packages.)

eygraber commented 4 years ago

Same on Ubuntu 18.04.3

Ga22be commented 4 years ago

Same on Debian 10

toasta commented 4 years ago

same on 20.04

mhertz commented 3 years ago

Just got informed by bengalih of deluge-forum that boolean options can be toggled through spacebar in GTK-UI, so just wanted to send that helpful tip forward :)

I'll keep ticket open however, because regular toggling through mouse still needs fixing and I'm sure alot of users won't read this tip here, or find out by themselfs either.

ItsMeAubey commented 3 years ago

For those who are trying to use toggles and who need more clarification - if you hold left click over the checkbox and tap space, you can toggle it.

mhertz commented 3 years ago

Regarding previous helpfull post by ItsMeAubey, then indeed further clarification is helpfull/warranted, but you don't need holding down the left mouse-button actually, but just once first press the non-working checkbox with mouse, to select it(even though you cannot see it, then is selected anyways) and then spacebar toggles ticked/unticked afterwards. At some times, this doesn't work either, and so you need uncheck and check again the very first checkbox, before proceeding with the workaround for the next non-working checkbox described previously.