ratanakvlun / deluge-ltconfig

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How to install 2.0.0 manually? #20

Closed raphaelyancey closed 4 years ago

raphaelyancey commented 4 years ago

The manual plugin installation doesn't seem to work. I've renamed the egg to ltConfig-2.0.0-py3.7.egg and placed it into the plugins config directory, but it doesn't get installed when I restart Deluge.

I'm running the LSIO docker image of Deluge (2.x).

k-304 commented 4 years ago

Its working for me in Deluge 2. Try to: Place the .egg file in the plugins dir and check the permissions. Stop DelugeD and web service, start it. Go to Config --> Plugins and enable it. Then stop deluged and the web service again, then start it. You should now be able to see ltconfig in your configurations menu.

raphaelyancey commented 4 years ago

The plugin won't show in Config > Plugins unfortunately, even after a restart. Its permissions are:

-rwxr-xr-x ltConfig-2.0.0-py3.7.egg

Maybe the naming isn't correct?

k-304 commented 4 years ago

I used the following download link: https://github.com/ratanakvlun/deluge-ltconfig/releases/download/v2.0.0/ltConfig-2.0.0.egg and did not change the name at all. ls -ali plugins/ shows: -rwxr--r-- 1 deluge deluge 46072 Jan 4 14:16 ltConfig-2.0.0.egg

raphaelyancey commented 4 years ago

I removed -py3.7 and it worked, thanks. The solution was just to set the o+x permission after all :)