ratgdo / esphome-ratgdo

ratgdo for ESPHome
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Entities Unavailable #204

Open restauffer opened 4 months ago

restauffer commented 4 months ago

I am running esphome version on a SEC + (purple button) GDO with an 889LM panel. In Home Assistant I have two entities that show "The entity is unavailable."

and two entities that show a value (state) of "unavailable" even though the entity seems OK.

Is this a problem or are these entities not available in Sec +

FWIW, these 4 entities do not appear in the web interface from the ratgdo.

wastingaeons commented 4 months ago

did you run the sec1 dev branch when it was in test? those entities weren't removed for sec1 until later. probably just need to delete them from your HA.

bdraco commented 4 months ago

This is likely a bug in the ESPhome integration that the entities aren't removed. It's not specific to this repository or project.

Please report it on the Home Assistant core repo