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Defect Tracker for Juno
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Add Brotli #304

Open keasmar opened 2 years ago

keasmar commented 2 years ago


I have been trying to get the Dash or Jupyter-Dash packages installed on Juno but have failed so far. Having started installing the dependencies one-by-one, I reached a dead end with the library "brotli" which seemingly cannot get installed. I am assuming that the blocking point is related to it not entirely being written in Python ?

Is there any way to work around this issue and get Dash / Jupyter-Dash working?

Thanks in advance, Karim

alexstaravoitau commented 2 years ago

Hey — yes, sadly Brotli is not available because it has native extensions. I'll change this issue to a package request; I'm guessing when we add Brotli to Juno, the packages that depend on it should just start working. 🤞