ratiw / vue-table

data table simplify! -- vuetable is a Vue.js component that will automatically request (JSON) data from the server and display them nicely in html table with swappable/extensible pagination component.
MIT License
1.83k stars 303 forks source link

Uncaught TypeError: self.fields.$set is not a function #145

Open lmj0011 opened 7 years ago

lmj0011 commented 7 years ago

I'm trying to get the vuetable component working by using the direct include method. https://github.com/ratiw/vue-table#direct-include

I follow the steps, however I'm getting this error:


http://vuetable.ratiw.net/examples/bootstrap.html I even used the live demo as a guide and setup my local environment up accordingly and still receiving this error.



 vuetable( :fields="fields" api-url="http://vuetable.ratiw.net/api/users")


myscript.js note: copied from the live demo, after follwing the "direct include" method

  // fields definition
   var tableColumns = [
           name: 'id',
           title: '',
           dataClass: 'text-center',
           callback: 'showDetailRow'
           name: 'name',
           sortField: 'name',
           name: 'email',
           sortField: 'email',
           name: 'nickname',
           sortField: 'nickname',
           callback: 'allCap'
           name: 'birthdate',
           sortField: 'birthdate',
           callback: 'formatDate|D/MM/Y'
           name: 'gender',
           sortField: 'gender',
           titleClass: 'text-center',
           dataClass: 'text-center',
           callback: 'gender'
           name: '__component:custom-action',
           title: "Component",
           titleClass: 'center aligned',
           dataClass: 'custom-action center aligned',
           name: '__actions',
           dataClass: 'text-center',

   Vue.config.debug = true

   Vue.component('custom-action', {
       template: [
               '<button @click="itemAction(\'view-item\', rowData)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in"></i></button>',
               '<button @click="itemAction(\'edit-item\', rowData)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-pencil"></i></button>',
               '<button @click="itemAction(\'delete-item\', rowData)"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-remove"></i></button>',
       props: {
           rowData: {
               type: Object,
               required: true
       methods: {
           itemAction: function(action, data) {
               sweetAlert('custom-action: ' + action, data.name)
           onClick: function(event) {
               console.log('custom-action: on-click', event.target)
           onDoubleClick: function(event) {
               console.log('custom-action: on-dblclick', event.target)

   Vue.component('my-detail-row', {
       template: [
           '<div class="detail-row ui form" @click="onClick($event)">',
               '<div class="inline field">',
                   '<label>Name: </label>',
               '<div class="inline field">',
                   '<label>Email: </label>',
               '<div class="inline field">',
                   '<label>Nickname: </label>',
               '<div class="inline field">',
                   '<label>Birthdate: </label>',
               '<div class="inline field">',
                   '<label>Gender: </label>',
       props: {
           rowData: {
               type: Object,
               required: true
       methods: {
           onClick: function(event) {
               console.log('my-detail-row: on-click')

   new Vue({
       el: '#app',
       data: {
           searchFor: '',
           fields: tableColumns,
           sortOrder: [{
               field: 'name',
               direction: 'asc'
           multiSort: true,
           perPage: 10,
           paginationComponent: 'vuetable-pagination',
           paginationInfoTemplate: 'แสดง {from} ถึง {to} จากทั้งหมด {total} รายการ',
           itemActions: [
               { name: 'view-item', label: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-zoom-in', class: 'btn btn-info', extra: {'title': 'View', 'data-toggle':"tooltip", 'data-placement': "left"} },
               { name: 'edit-item', label: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-pencil', class: 'btn btn-warning', extra: {title: 'Edit', 'data-toggle':"tooltip", 'data-placement': "top"} },
               { name: 'delete-item', label: '', icon: 'glyphicon glyphicon-remove', class: 'btn btn-danger', extra: {title: 'Delete', 'data-toggle':"tooltip", 'data-placement': "right" } }
           moreParams: [],
       watch: {
           'perPage': function(val, oldVal) {
           'paginationComponent': function(val, oldVal) {
               this.$broadcast('vuetable:load-success', this.$refs.vuetable.tablePagination)
       methods: {
            * Callback functions
           allCap: function(value) {
               return value.toUpperCase()
           gender: function(value) {
             return value == 'M'
               ? '<span class="label label-info"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-star"></i> Male</span>'
               : '<span class="label label-success"><i class="glyphicon glyphicon-heart"></i> Female</span>'
           formatDate: function(value, fmt) {
               if (value == null) return ''
               fmt = (typeof fmt == 'undefined') ? 'D MMM YYYY' : fmt
               return moment(value, 'YYYY-MM-DD').format(fmt)
           showDetailRow: function(value) {
               var icon = this.$refs.vuetable.isVisibleDetailRow(value) ? 'glyphicon glyphicon-minus-sign' : 'glyphicon glyphicon-plus-sign'
               return [
                   '<a class="show-detail-row">',
                       '<i class="' + icon + '"></i>',
            * Other functions
           setFilter: function() {
               this.moreParams = [
                   'filter=' + this.searchFor
               this.$nextTick(function() {
           resetFilter: function() {
               this.searchFor = ''
           preg_quote: function( str ) {
               // http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net
               // +   original by: booeyOH
               // +   improved by: Ates Goral (http://magnetiq.com)
               // +   improved by: Kevin van Zonneveld (http://kevin.vanzonneveld.net)
               // +   bugfixed by: Onno Marsman
               // *     example 1: preg_quote("$40");
               // *     returns 1: '\$40'
               // *     example 2: preg_quote("*RRRING* Hello?");
               // *     returns 2: '\*RRRING\* Hello\?'
               // *     example 3: preg_quote("\\.+*?[^]$(){}=!<>|:");
               // *     returns 3: '\\\.\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\!\<\>\|\:'

               return (str+'').replace(/([\\\.\+\*\?\[\^\]\$\(\)\{\}\=\!\<\>\|\:])/g, "\\$1");
           highlight: function(needle, haystack) {
               return haystack.replace(
                   new RegExp('(' + this.preg_quote(needle) + ')', 'ig'),
                   '<span class="highlight">$1</span>'
           makeDetailRow: function(data) {
               return [
                   '<td colspan="7">',
                       '<div class="detail-row">',
                           '<div class="form-group">',
                               '<label>Name: </label>',
                               '<span>' + data.name + '</span>',
                           '<div class="form-group">',
                               '<label>Email: </label>',
                               '<span>' + data.email + '</span>',
                           '<div class="form-group">',
                               '<label>Nickname: </label>',
                               '<span>' + data.nickname + '</span>',
                           '<div class="form-group">',
                               '<label>Birthdate: </label>',
                               '<span>' + data.birthdate + '</span>',
                           '<div class="form-group">',
                               '<label>Gender: </label>',
                               '<span>' + data.gender + '</span>',
           rowClassCB: function(data, index) {
               return (index % 2) === 0 ? 'positive' : ''
           paginationConfig: function(componentName) {
               console.log('paginationConfig: ', componentName)
               if (componentName == 'vuetable-pagination') {
                   this.$broadcast('vuetable-pagination:set-options', {
                       wrapperClass: 'pagination',
                       icons: { first: '', prev: '', next: '', last: ''},
                       activeClass: 'active',
                       linkClass: 'btn btn-default',
                       pageClass: 'btn btn-default'
               if (componentName == 'vuetable-pagination-dropdown') {
                   this.$broadcast('vuetable-pagination:set-options', {
                       wrapperClass: 'form-inline',
                       icons: { prev: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-left', next: 'glyphicon glyphicon-chevron-right' },
                       dropdownClass: 'form-control'
           // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           // You can change how sort params string is constructed by overriding getSortParam() like this
           // -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
           // getSortParam: function(sortOrder) {
           //     console.log('parent getSortParam:', JSON.stringify(sortOrder))
           //     return sortOrder.map(function(sort) {
           //         return (sort.direction === 'desc' ? '+' : '') + sort.field
           //     }).join(',')
           // }
       events: {
           'vuetable:row-changed': function(data) {
               console.log('row-changed:', data.name)
           'vuetable:row-clicked': function(data, event) {
               console.log('row-clicked:', data.name)
           'vuetable:cell-clicked': function(data, field, event) {
               console.log('cell-clicked:', field.name)
               if (field.name !== '__actions') {
                   this.$broadcast('vuetable:toggle-detail', data.id)
           'vuetable:action': function(action, data) {
               console.log('vuetable:action', action, data)
               if (action == 'view-item') {
                   sweetAlert(action, data.name)
               } else if (action == 'edit-item') {
                   sweetAlert(action, data.name)
               } else if (action == 'delete-item') {
                   sweetAlert(action, data.name)
           'vuetable:load-success': function(response) {
               var data = response.data.data
               if (this.searchFor !== '') {
                   for (n in data) {
                       data[n].name = this.highlight(this.searchFor, data[n].name)
                       data[n].email = this.highlight(this.searchFor, data[n].email)
           'vuetable:load-error': function(response) {
               if (response.status == 400) {
                   sweetAlert('Something\'s Wrong!', response.data.message, 'error')
               } else {
                   sweetAlert('Oops', E_SERVER_ERROR, 'error')
ratiw commented 7 years ago

@lmj0011 Are you using Vue 1.x or Vue 2.x?

phaberest commented 7 years ago

Same here, Vue 2.x

ratiw commented 7 years ago

@phaberest You have to use Vuetable-2 then. The above error is due to the change in Vue 2.x where array prototype $set method was removed.