ratmice / nimbleparse_lsp

lsp server for grmtools lex & yacc
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Not attaching to .y files ? #26

Closed madhavpcm closed 1 year ago

madhavpcm commented 1 year ago

I setup the config according to the guide. If I do :LspInfo I get the following output but the buffer is not being attached ? image

local status_ok, _ = pcall(require, "lspconfig")
if not status_ok then

require "lsp.nimbleparse"
require "lsp.mason"
require "lsp.null-ls"

this is my LSP loading init file, where lsp.nimbleparse loads the given config. I used packer to install lspconfig. Am I missing something ?

ratmice commented 1 year ago

I'll see if I can go through the instructions with a fresh installation later, here are a few questions, which version of vim and how are you starting it up, there are known issues when you open e.g. a directory nvim foo/ where the directory contains a nimbleparse.toml, vs a file nvim foo/foo.y. Presumably from the screenshot you have a .y file open, and it knows the . Does it work if you manually run :LspStart nimbleparse_lsp? Is there anything relevant in that lsp.log file shown in the screenshot?

ratmice commented 1 year ago

One last question, It could also be that it may require a nimbleparse.toml to exist (speculation), and just opening a .y file alone isn't triggering startup, try opening one of the files like tests/badproject/src/rr.y and see if that manages to trigger it.

ratmice commented 1 year ago

So, the main thing that sticks out to me looking at your code snippet is the line require("lsp.handlers").setup(). In the neovim/README.md we call setup with a custom on_attach function, which is where it configures file extensions, so I wonder if it is this call to setup without the associated on_attach key?

  nimbleparse_lspconfig = {
    on_attach = nimbleparse_lsp_attach,
    cmd = cmd,
  require 'lspconfig'[name].setup(nimbleparse_lspconfig)
madhavpcm commented 1 year ago

which version of vim and how are you starting it up

NVIM v0.8.2 Build type: Release LuaJIT 2.1.0-beta3 Compiled by builduser Features: +acl +iconv +tui See ":help feature-compile" I do nvim . in my project dir

Does it work if you manually run :LspStart nimbleparse_lsp?

No, after doing this, If I do LspInfo, it still shows 0 clients attached.

Is there anything relevant in that lsp.log file shown in the screenshot?

There are no logs, just says image

madhavpcm commented 1 year ago

One last question, It could also be that it may require a nimbleparse.toml to exist (speculation), and just opening a .y file alone isn't triggering startup, try opening one of the files like tests/badproject/src/rr.y and see if that manages to trigger it.

These are the logs, I think it is triggered but I get errors in nvim

[START][2023-01-22 11:35:02] LSP logging initiated
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:02] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:661 "Starting RPC client"   {  args = { "--server" },  cmd = "/home/madhavpcm/.cargo/bin/nimbleparse_lsp",  extra = {    cwd = "/home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject"  }}
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:02] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1336    "LSP[nimbleparse_lsp]"  "server_capabilities"   {  server_capabilities = {    completionProvider = vim.empty_dict(),    hoverProvider = true,    textDocumentSync = {      change = 2,      openClose = true,      save = {        includeText = false      },      willSave = false,      willSaveWaitUntil = false    }  }}
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:02] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 "initializing..."
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 "initialized!"
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 "did_open file:///home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/rr.y"
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/unused_token.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/unused_token.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"Evaluating changes {}"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"Finished changes"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/sr.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/sr.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/whitespace.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/rr.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/whitespace.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/rr.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489 '"DidOpen"'
[START][2023-01-22 11:35:12] LSP logging initiated
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:12] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1807    "exit_handler"  {}

and this


But the buffer is being attached. So I'm assuming we need to setup a nimbleparse.toml file ?

Update: I added a nimbleparse.toml file in my project

yacc_kind = {"Original" = "NoAction"}
l_file = "src/lexer.l"
y_file = "src/parser.y"
extension = ".expl"
``` but this doesnt work as well ? am I doing something wrong ?
ratmice commented 1 year ago

One last question, It could also be that it may require a nimbleparse.toml to exist (speculation), and just opening a .y file alone isn't triggering startup, try opening one of the files like tests/badproject/src/rr.y and see if that manages to trigger it.

These are the logs, I think it is triggered but I get errors in nvim

[START][2023-01-22 11:35:02] LSP logging initiated
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:02] .../vim/lsp/rpc.lua:661   "Starting RPC client"   {  args = { "--server" },  cmd = "/home/madhavpcm/.cargo/bin/nimbleparse_lsp",  extra = {    cwd = "/home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject"  }}
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:02] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1336  "LSP[nimbleparse_lsp]"  "server_capabilities"   {  server_capabilities = {    completionProvider = vim.empty_dict(),    hoverProvider = true,    textDocumentSync = {      change = 2,      openClose = true,      save = {        includeText = false      },      willSave = false,      willSaveWaitUntil = false    }  }}
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:02] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   "initializing..."
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   "initialized!"
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   "did_open file:///home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/rr.y"
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/unused_token.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/unused_token.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"Evaluating changes {}"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"Finished changes"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/sr.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/sr.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/whitespace.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/rr.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"Rebuilding parser: /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/whitespace.l /home/madhavpcm/test/nimbleparse_lsp/tests/badproject/src/rr.y"'
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:04] ...lsp/handlers.lua:489   '"DidOpen"'
[START][2023-01-22 11:35:12] LSP logging initiated
[INFO][2023-01-22 11:35:12] .../lua/vim/lsp.lua:1807  "exit_handler"  {}

This seems like the neovim is registering and starting it up appropriately

and this


The image which seems to be having an issue configuring the LSP/registering file extensions within the editor, but then in the log file earlier it actually seems to indicate the lsp actually being initialized by the editor, so I am a bit confused how we're encountering both of these errors, would kind of expect one or the other.

But the buffer is being attached. So I'm assuming we need to setup a nimbleparse.toml file ?

Yeah, it is currently necessary (albeit somewhat unfortunately) to have a nimbleparse.toml file as it is required to parse the yacc file.

Update: I added a nimbleparse.toml file in my project

yacc_kind = {"Original" = "NoAction"}
l_file = "src/lexer.l"
y_file = "src/parser.y"
extension = ".expl"
``` but this doesnt work as well ? am I doing something wrong ?

is this section within a [[parsers]], which is just shorthand for parsers = [ { yacc_kind = {"Original" = "NoAction"}, ...} ]?

ratmice commented 1 year ago

So, I did run with neovim 0.8.2 locally, and confirm that that works fine with my existing configuration, and I basically get the same lsp.log output as you. I did have a peek through your dotfiles repo. I wonder if there could be some form of conflict arising from https://github.com/madhavpcm/dotfiles/blob/arch/.config/nvim/lua/lsp/handlers.lua#L87

I'm not sure though if this line actually runs for nimbleparse_lsp, but can imagine that if it does it might conflict with the nimbleparse_on_attach function from https://github.com/ratmice/nimbleparse_lsp/tree/main/neovim.

ratmice commented 1 year ago

So, I was able to reproduce using your dotfiles, and fllowing is a commit which gets it working, I moved the lsp.handlers.setup() up above loading lsp.nimbleparse, then called lsp.handlers.on_attach instead of the non-existent global one. This fix is pretty specific to your config though, I'm not exactly sure yet if there is a way to get this to work generally across configs.

The problem kind of is that on_attach is meant for user configuration stuff, but we need to override it, and then call the user original one given by the user configuration.

Hopefully that works for you too?


madhavpcm commented 1 year ago

So, I was able to reproduce using your dotfiles, and fllowing is a commit which gets it working, I moved the lsp.handlers.setup() up above loading lsp.nimbleparse, then called lsp.handlers.on_attach instead of the non-existent global one. This fix is pretty specific to your config though, I'm not exactly sure yet if there is a way to get this to work generally across configs.

The problem kind of is that on_attach is meant for user configuration stuff, but we need to override it, and then call the user original one given by the user configuration.

Hopefully that works for you too?


Thanks alot for your time to fix this (this does fix the badproject dir), however in my project I have been using YaccKind::Grmtools, Im not sure how the toml file would look like, so far I added nimbleparse.toml (in project root) with contents :-

l_file = "src/lexer.l"
y_file = "src/parser.y"
extension = ".expl"

Where expl files are to be compiled to an assembly language. This is the project. Will this lsp work with grmtools format of y files?

ratmice commented 1 year ago

I need to document this better, I believe the complete list of support yacc_kind's is below: Grmtools kind should work (although it is one of the formats I don't believe that I've used/tested), It won't do anything with embedded actions, like syntax highlight them with rust-analyzer, or generate code and check for syntax errors in the generated code, or actually run the actions.

In theory at least for now it should just ignore embedded actions, and if that is not the case please file a bug for that!

yacc_kind = {"Original" = "NoAction"}
yacc_kind = {"Original" = "UserAction"}
yacc_kind = {"Original" = "GenericParseTree"}
yacc_kind = "Eco"
yacc_kind = "Grmtools"
madhavpcm commented 1 year ago

I need to document this better, I believe the complete list of support yacc_kind's is below: Grmtools kind should work (although it is one of the formats I don't believe that I've used/tested), It won't do anything with embedded actions, like syntax highlight them with rust-analyzer, or generate code and check for syntax errors in the generated code, or actually run the actions.

In theory at least for now it should just ignore embedded actions, and if that is not the case please file a bug for that!

yacc_kind = {"Original" = "NoAction"}
yacc_kind = {"Original" = "UserAction"}
yacc_kind = {"Original" = "GenericParseTree"}
yacc_kind = "Eco"
yacc_kind = "Grmtools"

Thanks for your inputs. I guess I'll mark this as solved, I am looking forward to add embedded actions sometime in the future when I get time.