ratson / cordova-plugin-admob-free

New development has been moved to "admob-plus-cordova", https://github.com/admob-plus/admob-plus/tree/master/packages/cordova
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Black screen on Android #23

Closed code4youreal closed 7 years ago

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Hi! I get black screen on android, please fix it.

ratson commented 7 years ago

Thanks for reporting, you may have experienced the same problem as https://github.com/ratson/cordova-plugin-admob-free/issues/22. Are you able to click the ad?

I am not available to fix it right now, will have a look this weekend.

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Thank you for the fast answer. No I just see the black screen nothing else. Please fix this as you can. Thank you!

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Hi! Do you fixed? Thx answer!

code4youreal commented 7 years ago


vintage commented 7 years ago

So if you remove the cordova-plugin-admob-free plugin everything works correctly? Check your console in Xcode for any errors. Additionally debug the application using remote Safari connection. The amount of details you have provided is not sufficient.

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Thank you for you fast reply. I am just a beginner, so I am not pro, but without your plugin works fine. I do not know what is the problem, but if I use your plugin on Android and on iOS i just get a black screen. If i use other admob plugin then works fine, so I do not understand.

vintage commented 7 years ago

Any errors in the browser/Xcode during run? The black screen must come from something, and there is for sure some trace in the output logs. I use this plugin in production in 8 games and I have no problems at all.

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

With your plugin on Intel xdk 3641 in simulation see only black screen. Without your plugin on Intel xdk 3641 in simulation works fine. As I wrote I do not know what is the problem, but without your plugin works fine my game.

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Now I see the ad but the screen still black! http://img5.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/problemqa1dbg342s.png

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

First the game run fine, then load the ad and I get a black screen. The ad visible, but I see only black screen.

ratson commented 7 years ago

@code4youreal Would you try the latest version (v0.4.0)? Let me know if it fixes the problem. If not, please try to run the example, confirm if it is working on your device.

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

If I use the new plugin under intel xdk 3641 then just loading and not build.

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Hi! The news is on iOS 10 the banner ads works me fine, but the interstitial ad do not show me or I get a full black screen.

ratson commented 7 years ago

@code4youreal I labeled this as iOS issue, is there still problem on Android?

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

Hi! Yes, unfortunately, on iOS works fine, but on Android I get only full black screen if I use this plug. I use intel xdk+construct 2

touxstudio commented 7 years ago

Yes same problem for me. Black screen. Is there some way to fix? What compiler are you using for android @ratson?

ratson commented 7 years ago

@touxstudio I am using Cordova to build the project.

ratson commented 7 years ago

@code4youreal @touxstudio Did you testing on real device? What is the OS version?

touxstudio commented 7 years ago

@ratson Real Device Samsung Galaxy Note 4 -> Android 5.1.1 . Thanks

code4youreal commented 7 years ago

@ratson Real Device iOS 10.1.1 iPad works fine. Thanks. http://www.fotos-hochladen.net/uploads/attachment1856ui5rtxogcm.png

Bahm commented 7 years ago

I had a black screen because I used AdMob before the deviceready event had fired. I use Phaser (a game framework), and according to this article it detects Cordova and waits for the deviceready event to fire. Unfortunately, it failed to detect Cordova (probably because I removed cordova-init.js), thus making it possible to reference AdMob before it has been declared.

Regardless of what the problem is in your case, you should learn to debug Cordova apps. I have only developed Android apps so far, so I use Chrome developer tools (chrome://inspect/#devices).

Additionally, you should tell exactly how you use the plugin. Does it fail after just installing the plugin, or only if you try to use it (e.g. by calling AdMob.setOptions).

ratson commented 7 years ago

v0.6 is out, please let me know if it fixes your problem.

vintage commented 7 years ago

Closing due to inactivity. Feel free to reopen in case problem still occurrs.

wvalmorbida commented 5 years ago

Eventually, the plug-in is displaying a full black screen while displaying the interstitial (admob.interstitial.show ()), causing the application to crash. I'm using cordova, and I noticed that this problem began to occur on May 6th, without having made any updates. I came to think that this problem comes from some crashed google ad, but so far I have not been able to identify what is happening.