ratson / cordova-plugin-admob-free

New development has been moved to "admob-plus-cordova", https://github.com/admob-plus/admob-plus/tree/master/packages/cordova
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Interstitial always fails to load #290

Open zronn opened 5 years ago

zronn commented 5 years ago

Here is the code I'm using to prepare the interstitial ad :

_showInterstitial() {
    let interstitialConfig: AdMobFreeInterstitialConfig = {
        isTesting: true,
        autoShow: false,
        // id: 'ca-app-pub-xxx'

    this.adMobFree.interstitial.prepare().then(p => {
        console.log('Intertistial prepared.');
    }).catch(e => console.log(e));

At this point, the interstitial is correctly prepared. Then, two listener are setted to check if the ad correctly loaded, and another one if it failed :

// Listen when the Interstitial is loaded
this.admobLoad = this.adMobFree.on(this.adMobFree.events.INTERSTITIAL_LOAD).subscribe(() => {
    console.log('Event interstitial loaded.');
    this.adMobFree.interstitial.show().then(() => {
        // Show successful
    }).catch((errorShow) => {

// Listen when the Interstitial has failed to load
this.admobFail = this.adMobFree.on(this.adMobFree.events.INTERSTITIAL_LOAD_FAIL).subscribe(res => {
    console.log('Interstitial load fail.');

In my case, it always failed. Here is the response from the listener :

Event {
    adType: "interstitial"
    bubbles: false
    cancelBubble: false
    cancelable: false
    composed: false
    currentTarget: null
    defaultPrevented: false
    error: 0
    eventPhase: 0
    isTrusted: false
    path: (2) [document, Window]
    reason: "Internal error"
    returnValue: true
    srcElement: document
    target: document
    timeStamp: 66483.19999995874
    type: "admob.interstitial.events.LOAD_FAIL"

Thanks for your help.

jony89 commented 5 years ago

@ratson same as #184

zronn commented 5 years ago

In my case, ads are not showing even in test mode

jony89 commented 5 years ago

So you probably have some other issue. I've reinstalled all from scratch and test is working without any issue.

This is my code :


// Create banner
await window.admob.interstitial.prepare();

document.addEventListener('admob.interstitial.events.LOAD', () => {