ratson / cordova-plugin-admob-free

New development has been moved to "admob-plus-cordova", https://github.com/admob-plus/admob-plus/tree/master/packages/cordova
MIT License
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ads from liftoff.io #362

Open fdmartins opened 5 years ago

fdmartins commented 5 years ago

Hi, why some times banners ads is not from admob ads (google ads)? Some reason to admob free is redirecting to another app marketing platform, like liftoff.io ?

ratson commented 5 years ago

@fdmartins Screenshot? Are you using this plugin directly in your project?

fdmartins commented 5 years ago

@ratson , im using only admob free in my project, with ionic v1: cordova-plugin-admob-free 0.24.0 "Cordova AdMob Plugin"

I put my smartphone to offline mode to check to where banner are redirecting: notice that there is no google watermark in the corner. image

but some times the plataform is correct, showing the google watermark and redirecting to googleads url...


note: Im using only admob with default mediation. note2: im using a real device note3: iOS show only admob (google ads) - OK!

thank you!

ratson commented 5 years ago

Don't know the reason, this plugin uses Google provided SDK, not sure if it is expected behavior.

fdmartins commented 5 years ago

I talk with google, they dont know de reason too. Liftoff is not a partner of google... I cant see any reference to liftoff in this plugin code and in google SDK.

Can be a ads injection/sharing of a android virus?

rodrigograca31 commented 4 years ago

@fdmartins I was just think you could have your phone infected and some other app is injecting the ads....

Try it in a brand new phone? (Maybe run it on the firebase testing thing? or the Play Store beta track)

fdmartins commented 4 years ago

@rodrigograca31 this happing in iOS platform too, but with low frequency than android. :/