ratson / cordova-plugin-admob-free

New development has been moved to "admob-plus-cordova", https://github.com/admob-plus/admob-plus/tree/master/packages/cordova
MIT License
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This Plugin so much better than the "floatinghotpot/cordova-admob-pro" but we need more mediation support. #62

Open geekyguy18 opened 7 years ago

geekyguy18 commented 7 years ago

I was using this AdMob Pro Plugin, but it seems that even you buy licence the start steeling impressions once app is popular enough, having a very bad experience with it.

Anyways Thanks to this great guy @becvert who created two mediation plugins for this plugin

cordova-plugin-admob-mediation-facebook cordova-plugin-admob-mediation-adbuddiz

I would like to request every one who ever used pro plugins and pissed off like me, that we should build more mediation plugin together so that people stop loosing their money with pro plugins. I wanted to create mediation plugin myself but as i am not native android developer i don't know java & android stuff. if making mediation plugin without them possible then kindly guide me how can i contribute to this development. I think Mobfox, Inmobi & Mopub mediation should developed next. If anyone interested in that kindly comment here. @becvert we need your guide here.

I started a repo so than interested people can join and build, starting with MobFox mediation here: https://github.com/geekyguy18/cordova-plugin-admob-mediation-mobfox i can't do this alone as i have no knowledge how to do this :(

geekyguy18 commented 7 years ago

Update 1: MobFox Banners and Interstitial ads are working now :)

ratson commented 7 years ago

Thanks for creating the plugin, I have linked you project in https://github.com/rehy/cordova-admob-mediation/tree/master/packages/cordova-admob-mobfox

I will keep this open for discussion.

geekyguy18 commented 7 years ago

Thank you @ratson for linking, btw i did not understand how this thing will work if there is no adapter and sdk included in your repo, did you forget to put there?

ratson commented 7 years ago

@geekyguy18 No, it is by design not committing the binary files, see https://github.com/rehy/cordova-admob-mediation#contributing

geekyguy18 commented 7 years ago

Update 2: I have created another AdMob Mediation plugin for Adcash here: https://github.com/geekyguy18/cordova-plugin-admob-mediation-adcash

Kindly add this one too in your list, i hope it will help someone.

rodrigograca31 commented 5 years ago

:+1: great to see that we can do facebook mediation! Will be adding FAN to my project later this week.