ratt-ru / QuartiCal

CubiCal, but with greater power.
MIT License
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AssertionError: assert high > low # by construction #136

Closed Sinah-astro closed 2 years ago

Sinah-astro commented 2 years ago

I,ve been getting the following error with my target fields:

2021-12-20 22:11:17 | INFO | preprocess:transcribe_recipe | The following model sources were obtained from --input-model-recipe: 
   Columns: {'MODEL_DATA'} 
   Sky Models: None
2021-12-20 22:11:17 | INFO | ms_handler:read_xds_list | Antenna table indicates 62 antennas were present for this observation.
2021-12-20 22:11:18 | INFO | ms_handler:read_xds_list | Polarization table indicates 4 correlations are present in the measurement set - ['XX', 'XY', 'YX', 'YY'].
2021-12-20 22:11:18 | INFO | ms_handler:read_xds_list | Field table indicates phase centre is at (0.7604908605304458 -1.0289239539282171).
2021-12-20 22:11:22 | WARNING | reads:_group_datasets | Ignoring 'FLAG_CATEGORY': Unable to infer shape of column 'FLAG_CATEGORY' due to:
'Table DataManager error: Invalid operation: TSM: no array in row 0 of column FLAG_CATEGORY in /home/manaka/PSZ277/msdir/PSZ2G277-PSZ2G277_76_51_74-corr.ms/table.f18'
2021-12-20 22:11:29 | INFO | ms_handler:write_xds_list | Outputs will be written to FLAG, FLAG_ROW, CCORRECTED_DATA, WEIGHT_SPECTRUM.
2021-12-20 22:11:29 | WARNING | ms:descriptor | Unable to infer 'flagcat' dimension from input variables
2021-12-20 22:12:31 | SUCCESS | executor:_execute | 74.22 seconds taken to build graph.
2021-12-21 00:28:42 | ERROR | goquartical:<module> | An error has been caught in function '<module>', process 'MainProcess' (124401), thread 'MainThread' (140707655604032):
Traceback (most recent call last):

> File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/bin/goquartical", line 8, in <module>
    │   │    └ <function execute at 0x7ff8d5839f80>
    │   └ <built-in function exit>
    └ <module 'sys' (built-in)>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quartical/executor.py", line 27, in execute
    │        └ <contextlib.ExitStack object at 0x7ff90c71db90>
    └ <function _execute at 0x7ff8d583d050>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/quartical/executor.py", line 136, in _execute
              │         └ 'threads'
              └ Dask(threads=0, workers=1, address=None, scheduler='threads')
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/base.py", line 570, in compute
    results = schedule(dsk, keys, **kwargs)
              │        │    │       └ {'num_workers': 0}
              │        │    └ [[[[[('write~FLAG-PSZ2G277-PSZ2G277_76_51_74-corr.ms-5a4738cc31746c4581d212e14e4cbbae', 0, 0, 0)]]], [('write~FLAG_ROW-PSZ2G2...
              │        └ {('write~param-8a461a0ebecaacaa48afce59f6b2dc64', 0): (subgraph_callable-9d62660d-f78f-4402-b01d-cd549e601985, ('array-2972d9...
              └ <function get at 0x7ff909b37050>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/threaded.py", line 87, in get
      └ {}
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/local.py", line 507, in get_async
    raise_exception(exc, tb)
    │               │    └ <traceback object at 0x7ff8d549fe10>
    │               └ AssertionError()
    └ <function reraise at 0x7ff909d93e60>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/local.py", line 315, in reraise
    raise exc
          └ AssertionError()
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/local.py", line 220, in execute_task
    result = _execute_task(task, data)
             │             │     └ {('compute_chisq-e2d6cc587a6b6a38e924cb77e1f69fbb', 0, 0): array([[1.41702608e+08, 2.43421348e+04, 2.43288418e+04, ...,
             │             │            ...
             │             └ (subgraph_callable-8de704ad-5c51-474f-a562-04af8f67ce3e, (<function concatenate_axes at 0x7ff8fa029290>, [('compute_chisq-e2d...
             └ <function _execute_task at 0x7ff909ee9050>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/core.py", line 119, in _execute_task
    return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))
           │      │                │               └ ((<function concatenate_axes at 0x7ff8fa029290>, [('compute_chisq-e2d6cc587a6b6a38e924cb77e1f69fbb', 0, 0)], [1]), (<function...
           │      │                └ {('compute_chisq-e2d6cc587a6b6a38e924cb77e1f69fbb', 0, 0): array([[1.41702608e+08, 2.43421348e+04, 2.43288418e+04, ...,
           │      │                       ...
           │      └ <function _execute_task at 0x7ff909ee9050>
           └ subgraph_callable-8de704ad-5c51-474f-a562-04af8f67ce3e
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/optimization.py", line 969, in __call__
    return core.get(self.dsk, self.outkey, dict(zip(self.inkeys, args)))
           │    │   │    │    │    │                │    │       └ (array([[1.41702608e+08, 2.43421348e+04, 2.43288418e+04, ...,
           │    │   │    │    │    │                │    │                 2.96196387e+04, 3.00168496e+04, 3.07717520e+04],
           │    │   │    │    │    │                │    │               ...
           │    │   │    │    │    │                │    └ <member 'inkeys' of 'SubgraphCallable' objects>
           │    │   │    │    │    │                └ subgraph_callable-8de704ad-5c51-474f-a562-04af8f67ce3e
           │    │   │    │    │    └ <member 'outkey' of 'SubgraphCallable' objects>
           │    │   │    │    └ subgraph_callable-8de704ad-5c51-474f-a562-04af8f67ce3e
           │    │   │    └ <member 'dsk' of 'SubgraphCallable' objects>
           │    │   └ subgraph_callable-8de704ad-5c51-474f-a562-04af8f67ce3e
           │    └ <function get at 0x7ff909ee90e0>
           └ <module 'dask.core' from '/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/core.py'>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/core.py", line 149, in get
    result = _execute_task(task, cache)
             │             │     └ {'__dask_blockwise__0': array([[1.41702608e+08, 2.43421348e+04, 2.43288418e+04, ...,
             │             │               2.96196387e+04, 3.00168496e+04, ...
             │             └ (CPUDispatcher(<function compute_gbl_mad_and_med at 0x7ff8de79f7a0>), '__dask_blockwise__0', '__dask_blockwise__1')
             └ <function _execute_task at 0x7ff909ee9050>
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/dask/core.py", line 119, in _execute_task
    return func(*(_execute_task(a, cache) for a in args))
           │      │                │               └ ('__dask_blockwise__0', '__dask_blockwise__1')
           │      │                └ {'__dask_blockwise__0': array([[1.41702608e+08, 2.43421348e+04, 2.43288418e+04, ...,
           │      │                          2.96196387e+04, 3.00168496e+04, ...
           │      └ <function _execute_task at 0x7ff909ee9050>
           └ CPUDispatcher(<function compute_gbl_mad_and_med at 0x7ff8de79f7a0>)
  File "/home/manaka/software/quartical/qenv/lib/python3.7/site-packages/numba/np/arraymath.py", line 1224, in _select_two
    assert high > low  # by construction

AssertionError: assert high > low  # by construction

I tried to look up a solution or cause but to no success. Any ideas what could be causing this and how to fix it? The config file: quartical1.txt

JSKenyon commented 2 years ago

Hi! I am back at work. This error is likely coming from the MAD flagging on a fully flagged chunk. This could be one of two things:

In terms of your path going forward, could you please check are report the percentage of flagged data in your measurement set? This will tell us whether or not QuartiCal has ruined your flags.

JSKenyon commented 2 years ago

135 should fix this problem. I will leave this open until you can confirm @Sinah-astro. Please be sure to update to the latest main.

JSKenyon commented 2 years ago

Closing for now @Sinah-astro. Please comment if you run into the issue again.