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log a warning if dd is enabled but output product is `corrected_data` #299

Open Athanaseus opened 8 months ago

Athanaseus commented 8 months ago

Describe the problem that the feature should address This feature will provide more info for the user in the case ddcal is to be performed, but the output is not set appropriately.

Describe the solution you'd like Give a warning that a direction-dependent term is enabled (dE.direction_dependent: true) but will not be applied since output product is corrected_data instead of corrected_residual.

Additional context This applies only direction-independent terms. https://gist.github.com/Athanaseus/c02cc9f309bcd381ce5b66944e813d7d?permalink_comment_id=4718996#gistcomment-4718996

IanHeywood commented 8 months ago

Relatedly, is there any use case for performing DD cal for N directions where subtract-dirs isn't of length N-1 or N? This might be another good scenario for triggering a warning if not

JSKenyon commented 8 months ago

Thanks for the report @Athanaseus. This is something that needs further work i.e. better informing users of oddities in configuration. For the sake of my own memory, a couple of the common pitfalls (which may change as I remember them) are:

JSKenyon commented 8 months ago

Relatedly, is there any use case for performing DD cal for N directions where subtract-dirs isn't of length N-1 or N? This might be another good scenario for triggering a warning if not

There might be an argument for a hybrid of peeling + subsequent application of DD solutions during imaging (which will eventually be available). I think in that case there may be a need for more selective peeling. That said, it would be a very special case so it is probably worth warning the user.

IanHeywood commented 8 months ago

Ah yes, I am looking forward to this functionality! 🙌