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OMS.gridded_sky model fails with OMS.ionosphere #691

Closed gijzelaerr closed 10 years ago

gijzelaerr commented 10 years ago
at 2009-03-15 15:01:44 Oleg Smirnov reported:

OMS.gridded_sky model fails with OMS.ionosphere

gijzelaerr commented 10 years ago

Original comment thread migrated from bugzilla

at 2009-03-15 15:01:44 Oleg Smirnov replied:

File "/usr/lib/meqtrees/Cattery/Meow/Direction.py", line 132, in lm lm = self.ns.lm(_dir0.quals,*dir0._kwquals); AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute '_quals'

at 2009-03-15 15:03:00 Oleg Smirnov replied:

Actually Direction.lm() was completely broken for static directions. Fixed in rev 6853. Just as well that6 we need to release a new Cattery next week!