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Convert .pat files into fits files #864

Open Ermiasabebe opened 8 years ago

Ermiasabebe commented 8 years ago

Hi all,

I have the beam pattern with * .pat* format with different frequencies and polarizations. The script emss2fits.py has some commands to convert into fits files. It works for a single .pat file using "emss2fits.py --freqs=1457 --ampl --template= Patterns_origin/TS3e15h_origin_v_1457_c.pat test.fits"

What is the command to change multifrequency ".pat" files into fits

o-smirnov commented 8 years ago

Check the help, but if I recall correctly, it's something like:

emss2fits.py --freqs=1457,1460 --ampl Patterns_origin/TS3e15h_origin_v_@freq_c.pat test.fits

i..e list the frequencies for which you have .pat files after --freqs, and use @freq in the filename as a placeholder for the frequency.