ratt-ru / meqtrees

A library for implementing radio astronomical Measurement Equations
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Meqtrees master no longer passes tests #878

Closed bennahugo closed 6 years ago

bennahugo commented 6 years ago

I think there has been a change somewhere. Master is failing.

copying Cattery/Scripter/scripter.10calibration.funcs -> /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/Cattery/Scripter
running install_egg_info
Writing /usr/local/lib/python2.7/dist-packages/meqtrees_cattery-1.5.1.egg-info
 ---> 9f00521aaf2b
Removing intermediate container ac7bea4f7563
Step 7/8 : WORKDIR /code/test/Batchtest
 ---> 55e32deb73e0
Removing intermediate container 53eee127223e
Step 8/8 : CMD python batch_test.py
 ---> Running in 0257308f11d3
 ---> e5a876b78949
Removing intermediate container 0257308f11d3
Successfully built e5a876b78949
Successfully tagged catterycron:41
+ docker run --rm catterycron:41
Can't locate owlcat or owlcat.sh
Build step 'Execute shell' marked build as failure
Sending e-mails to: oms@ska.ac.za
Triggering a new build of Docker-killswitch
Finished: FAILURE
bennahugo commented 6 years ago

@o-smirnov looks like owlcat is missing from the dependencies?

bennahugo commented 6 years ago

Last successful test: Nov 19, 2017 3:00 PM

o-smirnov commented 6 years ago

@gijzelaerr have you changed the pip dependencies of meqtrees? Looks like it no longer pulls in owlcat, which makes the test fail.

bennahugo commented 6 years ago

Exact steps to reproduce:

docker build -t $IMAGE .
docker run --rm $IMAGE

Output see: https://jenkins.meqtrees.net/job/meqtrees-cattery-cron/43/console

gijzelaerr commented 6 years ago

nope: that file didn't change in a while:


maybe a dependency changed dependencies? But if meqtrees always depend on owlcat it should just be added ofcourse.

bennahugo commented 6 years ago

Fixed with ska-sa/meqtrees-cattery#77