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Build CI Actions #4

Closed smasoka closed 4 years ago

smasoka commented 4 years ago

Actions for build CI Checking python Installing poetry poetry install poetry run pytest

sjperkins commented 4 years ago

@smasoka Can you also change the deploy section to the following:

    needs: [test]
    runs-on: ubuntu-latest
    # Run on a push to a tag or master
    if: >
      github.event_name == 'push' &&
      (startsWith(github.event.ref, 'refs/tags') ||
       github.event.ref == 'refs/heads/master')
      - name: Set up Python 3.8
        uses: actions/setup-python@v1
          python-version: 3.8

      - name: Install latest setuptools, wheel, pip
        run: python3 -m pip install -U pip setuptools wheel

      - name: Install dephell
        run: curl -L dephell.org/install | python3

      - name: Checkout source
        uses: actions/checkout@v2
          fetch-depth: 1

      - name: Convert pyproject.toml to setup.py
        run: dephell deps convert --from=pyproject.toml --to=setup.py

      - name: Build distributions
        run: python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel

      - name: Publish distribution 📦 to Test PyPI
        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@master
          user: __token__
          password: ${{ secrets.test_pypi_token }}
          repository_url: https://test.pypi.org/legacy/
        continue-on-error: true

      - name: Publish distribution 📦 to PyPI
        uses: pypa/gh-action-pypi-publish@master
        if: github.event_name == 'push' && startsWith(github.event.ref, 'refs/tags')
          user: __token__
          password: ${{ secrets.pypi_token }}