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Rapid Measurement Set plotting with dask-ms and datashader
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make PyPI release #91

Closed o-smirnov closed 3 years ago

o-smirnov commented 3 years ago

0.5.0 is ready for PyPI I think -- @Athanaseus would you do the necessary please?

Athanaseus commented 3 years ago

I just added a workflow to publish the package on every tag we push.

Since we already have a tag on github, we need to push this to pypi manually using twine: git checkout v0.5.0 # checkout the tag pip install twine # install twine if not already done so python setup.py sdist bdist_wheel # create distribution files twine upload -r testpypi dist/* # upload to testpypi (not really necessary but for testing deployment) twine upload dist/* # now upload to pypi (this will need pypi usr & pswd)

This I can do i think. After this is done we need to generate a token, that should be added to github secret (this needs admin rights). Then all will be good.

Athanaseus commented 3 years ago

I pushed 0.5.0 using twine. To test automatic deployment we need to set up secret keys. I can get them on pypi but I do not have admin rights to add them on shadems github.

NB: To make a 0.5.1 release we also have to bump the version in setup.py#L21

o-smirnov commented 3 years ago

OK let's forget 0.5.1 for now, I was only doing it to test the workflow. Which I think all works, except you need to add osmirnov to the shadems project on PyPI.

Athanaseus commented 3 years ago

Cool, Invitation sent.

o-smirnov commented 3 years ago

Thanks -- done. I've added my PyPI token to secrets, so the next release should go up automatically. I've deleted 0.5.1 for now.

o-smirnov commented 3 years ago

Oh, could you please add PyPI badges to the README?