ratt-ru / tricolour

Holds an offline, MS direct version of the SDP online flagger.
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URGENT: Add owlcat as dependency - with flagmanager compatible FLAG/FLAG_ROW backups prior to flagging #81

Open bennahugo opened 3 years ago

bennahugo commented 3 years ago

REALLY need this functionality to add a flag backup prior to flagging: https://github.com/ska-sa/owlcat/pull/81

All CASA tasks that screw with flags have this functionality and neither tricolour nor aoflagger has this capacity. This is a urgent feature request which I will allocate to myself once the owlcat release goes out - a simple shell call will solve very many headaches in the future.

IanHeywood commented 3 years ago

Excellent plan, but please make it optional! Cheers.

sjperkins commented 3 months ago

I suggest doing this with dask if possible. I'm concerned about having to support software with old dependencies. I'm fairly certain this has been done elsewhere. @o-smirnov @JSKenyon @landmanbester?

o-smirnov commented 3 months ago

The owlcat way is not very efficient, either. Flagmanager is a lot snappier, presumably because it allocates boolean columns which use 1-bit storage in casacasore tables? Can we reverse-engineer what it does? I suspect it would be a trivial thing to do with dask...

sjperkins commented 3 months ago

I'm certain someones gone through this exercise before. Pinging @athanaseus?

sjperkins commented 3 months ago

@sphemakh, did we work on redoing the owlcat flagging routines in dask? been a while...