ratwithacompiler / OBS-captions-plugin

Closed Captioning OBS plugin using Google Speech Recognition
GNU General Public License v2.0
999 stars 69 forks source link

Google Speech-To-Text API #57

Open klevismino opened 3 years ago

klevismino commented 3 years ago


Congratulations on the great work you have done! I also checked your reddit post. Do you plan to support Google's official API for Speech-To-Text? You could add that as an option, where the user can provide his GCP API key.

Thanks and best regards Klevis

ratwithacompiler commented 3 years ago


Yeah I already implemented support for the GRPC API a while ago, there's a working (but now outdated) version in the #grpc-public branch and I've kept it up to date locally. I was planning to transition to that fully a while ago but things got held up, but it should happen eventually (hopefully).

WiredUK commented 3 years ago

Is there any way we can help get this moved along a bit? I think the current API is rate-limiting or something as it keeps stopping. Is there a way we can contribute somehow?

PS Thanks for the excellent work though, it's superb.

WiredUK commented 3 years ago

I have tried to build your GRPC branch but it relies on private projects in DevOps so I'm stuck. I wanted to give it a go and embed my own API key into it but I'm at a brick wall. I'm not kidding that we (https://sitp.online) would contribute some money to you if we could get this plugin to work reliably. We're a volunteer organisation but could spare a small amount of money to help.

ratwithacompiler commented 3 years ago

Yeah I've been working on that over the last couple days, updated version is now on the main branch here. Setting up working Windows builds involving GRPC is always quite the hassle unfortunately.

Windows builds are still not fully working yet and the current code also requires OBS functions for virtualcam support that aren't in any stable release yet so currently it only works with an OBS compiled with those changes until OBS 27 comes out.

But if you do really wanna run it you can get OBS builds from current master branch from their CI builds.

Latest one: https://github.com/obsproject/obs-studio/runs/2063443158 and just download the winbuild there https://dev.azure.com/obsjim/obsjim/_build/results?buildId=6251&view=artifacts&pathAsName=false&type=publishedArtifacts

Static build of the plugin with the GRPC API: obs_google_caption_plugin windows grpc static testing.zip which should in theory work with that (did on my machine at least but who knows). Just has a API Key value in the settings.

ratwithacompiler commented 3 years ago

Ohh actually nevermind about needing a brand new OBS version, this one should work in official OBS 26.1.1: obs_google_caption_plugin groc static 26.1.1.zip

Just commented out the virtucalcam stuff relying on new OBS real quick but should otherwise work fine.

WiredUK commented 3 years ago

Works like a charm so far, will give it some more testing when I get a chance (maybe tonight) and report back. Thank you for being so responsive, it's really appreciated! Do you have a ko-fi or something like that set up? I'd like to, at the very least, buy you a coffee!

WiredUK commented 3 years ago

Oh, and if you have the Linux version too, that would be fantastic!

ratwithacompiler commented 3 years ago

No problem! Yeah I kinda have a ko-fi https://ko-fi.com/ratuin but it's paypal only since I never got around to setting up stripe.

For Linux and Mac the CI builds for the GRPC versions should just work in theory: https://dev.azure.com/ratwithacompiler/OBS-captions-plugin/_build/results?buildId=677&view=artifacts&pathAsName=false&type=publishedArtifacts ,only Windows is a bit more annoying with loading in older versions of OBS.

WiredUK commented 3 years ago

We could do a direct PayPal if you prefer that? Going to get you some money tonight, you've earned it!

ratwithacompiler commented 3 years ago

Thanks, not necessary but very much appreciated! I think Ko-Fi goes directly from paypal to paypal without them in the middle already to get the 0% fee thing they advertise so should be the same I believe.

WiredUK commented 3 years ago

OK, you should have a bit of money in there now from SitPO. Enjoy, and many thanks for the hard work.

ratwithacompiler commented 3 years ago

@WiredUK Ohh wow. Got it. Thank you very much!! Helps a lot!

esteinborn commented 2 years ago

Hi, Upgraded to OBS 27 this morning saw that there was also an update to this plugin. After updating it, my API field was removed. I then remembered this thread, and added the DLL back in. Everything works fine, but I wanted to query about whether we can get this as a packaged version for v27 with the API field intact?

Great plugin btw!

ratwithacompiler commented 2 years ago

You can get the GRPC builds with key input for all versions from the CI but it's a bit hard to navigate on Github, findable via the commits section and the green CI checkmarks and following the links to Azure CI.

But probably easiest to get them from here: https://dev.azure.com/ratwithacompiler/OBS-captions-plugin/_build?definitionId=7 Click the latest version and then Artifacts and then download the GRPC version for you platform.

Direct link for 27, you'll want[platform]_GRPC not the http ones, just download the .zip https://dev.azure.com/ratwithacompiler/OBS-captions-plugin/_build/results?buildId=712&view=artifacts&pathAsName=false&type=publishedArtifacts

APaulSys commented 1 year ago

Are these GRPC builds still being offered? I'm not seeing artifacts for the latest versions in the links above.

ratwithacompiler commented 1 year ago

@APaulSys yeah GRPC versions are part of all builds still but looks like the artifacts expired after 3 months.

Ran new ones now https://dev.azure.com/ratwithacompiler/OBS-captions-plugin/_build/results?buildId=858&view=artifacts&type=publishedArtifacts

theroboben commented 6 months ago

Any possibility of getting another azure run?