rauc / meta-rauc-community

Yocto/OpenEmbedded meta layer with examples for integration of RAUC, the embedded Linux A/B update framework
MIT License
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Merge with meta-rauc-demo-wip (and others) #23

Closed ejoerns closed 2 years ago

ejoerns commented 2 years ago

Hi @leon-anavi,

thank you for creating this community-driven board support layer for RAUC :+1:

To be honest: This was on my wishlist for quite some time. That's also why, some time ago, I started creating a demo board-support layer that I wanted to share here public. But, due to limited spare time I have never made it to a state where its initial functionality met the expectations we had.

As your layer made it into the RAUC organization, I would not pick up work on this separate layer and instead try to contribute things that I expect to be an 'added value' into this layer.

For reference: My work is located at


and (depending on the branch) targets raspberrypi3 and qemux86.

Possibly there are also other similar layers outside that we can merge in this layer.

I for example know of


Maybe there are even more.

Many thanks in advance for your effort and maintenance!

leon-anavi commented 2 years ago

Hi @ejoerns,

RAUC is an awesome open source project and I happy that my modest contributions are useful for the community. It will be great if we can have more examples and demos for various machine in one place.

Thanks, Leon

ejoerns commented 2 years ago

What do you think, I would propose to add the layers we have at the moment to the official layerindex. Or did you do that already and they are in the approval process? ;)

Regards, Enrico

leon-anavi commented 2 years ago

Hi @ejoerns,

I think it is a great idea! I haven't submitted it yet. I had this in mind but constantly postponing it because I have been overloaded with other tasks recently.

Please feel free to submit meta-rauc-community to the official layerindex if you like. It will be great to spread to word about the layer and help other people find it easier.

Thanks, Leon

ejoerns commented 2 years ago

Sounds like a plan :sweat_smile: :+1: . I can submit you as Layer maintainer with the mail you use in commits I assume? :wink:

leon-anavi commented 2 years ago

Yes, absolutely!

ejoerns commented 2 years ago

My first trial balloon made it into the layerindex somehow: http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/branch/master/layer/meta-rauc-raspberrypi/ But this seems to be largely broken... got an error when submitting, got an error for indexing.. But somehow it is at least listed now and I guess I can submit the other layers accordingly.

dev-0x7C6 commented 2 years ago

I have same problem with indexer for meta-octoprint and other layers, this might be related to new override syntax.

ejoerns commented 2 years ago

I'd say the machine that runs the indexing deserves a distro/python upgrade: http://layers.openembedded.org/layerindex/layerupdate/9179134/

If I remember correctly, then the layerindex maintenance was already a topic at one of the last OEDEMs or Yocto Summits. But I do not have the details ready.

ejoerns commented 2 years ago

Layerindex looks as if it is working again. At least the builds do not fail anymore:


I tried to submit also the qemu layer (and ran into a missing 'thanks' page again), hope it will make it into the index, too. Feel free to submit the others, too :)

The issue here can be closed. I still have some RPI patches lying around from my old integration, but that does not need to be tracked here :smirk: