raujonas / executor

Gnome Shell Extension - Execute multiple shell commands periodically with separate intervals and display the output in gnome top bar.
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Use case: Beep Timer #61

Open peter-kehl opened 1 year ago

peter-kehl commented 1 year ago

First: Thank you Jonas. So practical and flexible.

If you choose to implement #60 first, I'm willing to provide a PR for this use case.

I'm using this in place of (discontinued) Beep Timer extension for short (20-30 sec) cycle of "Stay on track" alerts (not replacing, but in addition to Pomodoro).

  1. Install mplayer, or any other player that can be started from shell.

  2. Get the sounds you like. For example, download from https://github.com/gnome-pomodoro/gnome-pomodoro/tree/master/data/sounds or clone that repo:

    mkdir GIT
    cd GIT
    git clone https://github.com/gnome-pomodoro/gnome-pomodoro
  3. Then invoke it in Executor, for example: mplayer -ao pulse -nolirc -volume 60 GIT/gnome-pomodoro/data/sounds/bell.ogg > /dev/null.

If you like fine grain sound volume control, use -ao pulse. That applies the given volume, multiplied (divided) by the overall System Volume (as shown in the standard GNOME Settings application).

To the contrary, -ao alsa takes the given volume, and resets the System Volume to that value!

Of course, if you use it at the same time as Pomodoro extension, you may want them to use different sounds.

raujonas commented 3 months ago

@peter-kehl #60 is closed now, so if you're still interested I'd appreciate you documenting this :blush: I'll also look for the orignial command for the other example and add it as well.