raul72 / docker-browsermob-proxy

Docker image for BrowserMob Proxy
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openjdk base images are being deprecated #4

Open raul72 opened 1 year ago

raul72 commented 1 year ago

The openjdk images:

All have a deprecation warning:

This image is officially deprecated and all users are recommended to find and use suitable replacements ASAP. Some examples of other Official Image alternatives (listed in alphabetical order with no intentional or implied preference):

See docker-library/openjdk#505 for more information.

raul72 commented 1 year ago

Supported architectures

amazoncorretto amd64, arm64v8

eclipse-temurin amd64, arm32v7, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x, windows-amd64

ibm-semeru-runtimes amd64, arm64v8, ppc64le, s390x

ibmjava amd64, i386, ppc64le, s390x

sapmachine amd64

Base image size

REPOSITORY                  TAG            IMAGE ID       CREATED       SIZE
amd64/openjdk               8-jre-alpine   f7a292bbb70c   3 years ago   84.9MB
amd64/amazoncorretto        8-alpine       173b055e0c74   7 weeks ago   201MB
amd64/eclipse-temurin       8-jre          7a5bb22594f1   4 weeks ago   221MB
amd64/eclipse-temurin       8-jre-alpine   32c8cb26605c   5 weeks ago   139MB
amd64/ibm-semeru-runtimes   open-8-jre     2d71afe23099   4 weeks ago   255MB
amd64/ibmjava               8-jre          a7ef6043eb44   4 days ago    267MB
raul72 commented 1 year ago
