raulmur / ORB_SLAM

A Versatile and Accurate Monocular SLAM
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Launch file to show the Map in Rviz from a bag file made from mp4 video? #160

Open astronaut71 opened 6 years ago

astronaut71 commented 6 years ago


Im able to build and run the ORB_SLAM with the ExampleGroovyOrNewer.launch. But I can not see the map in RVIZ. First I uses the Example.bag file. so What I have done Terminal1: roscore Terminal2: cd ORB_SLAM rosrun ORB_SLAM ORB_SLAM /Data/ORBvoc.txt Data/Settings.yaml Terminal3: rosrun image_view image_view image:=/ORB_SLAM/Frame _autosize:=true Terminal4: roslaunch ExampleGroovyOrNewer.launch Terminal5: rosbag play --pause Example.bag

In RVIZ just showing the point clouds. But then how can I see the MAP and the pose in RVIZ? Also what settings do I need to see the map and pose in rviz when using my own bag file created from mp4 video?


astronaut71 commented 6 years ago

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vyi commented 3 months ago

Were you able to solve this issue ? I'm facing the same issue, ORB_SLAM is running but not able to see Pointcloud/Marker/Camera tracking. I just see the frame (image) with ORB features.

RViz warns about some invalid arguments but the message seems incomplete and is not helpful.

[ WARN] [1710916738.448925092]: Invalid argument "/ORB_SLAM/World" passed to canTransform argument source_frame in tf2 frame_ids cannot start with a '/' like: