raulmur / ORB_SLAM2

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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Use a built-in camera #1016

Open zsoltszakaly opened 2 years ago

zsoltszakaly commented 2 years ago

Apologies, I am new to the ROS world, so it might be obvious for many, but after days of google I could not figure it out:

I have ORB_SLAM2 up and running. Examples are working fine. I want to use the built-in camera for on-line processing.

  1. I started roscore in one terminal. Up and running.
  2. In another terminal I started rosrun ORB_SLAM2 Mono Vocabulary/ORBvoc.txt Examples/Monocular/TUM1.yaml. I know that the parameter files might not be suitable for this run, but that shall come later. It looks everything runs fine, I have the Map Viewer and the Current Frame windows open. (If I do not do Step 1, I get an error that it cannot connect to the master, but after a Ctrl-C it still gets to this point, so I wonder what it uses Step 1, but anyway, I have it running).

The problem is that the Current Frame is "WAITING FOR IMAGES". I read somewhere that I need to rosbag /camera/data. So in a third terminal I have rosbag record /camera/data. I am not sure, it is needed (I would think that it is done internally in Step 2 anyway), but it works. I see the /camera/data in rostopic list. Still nothing, my camera is actually not even switched on.

So my question: How to use the buil-in camera, just switching it on and letting it stream the frames to ORB_SLAM2?


Faizi344 commented 1 year ago

@zsoltszakaly can u tell me how u run the examples

zsoltszakaly commented 1 year ago

Honestly, I do not remember, but the good news that somehow I could make it run. Still with one laptop built-in camera the map generated was very far from accurate. I know I should use a larger resolution, or even more, two cameras, best if combined with GPS (there are some projects for that too), but I had no time to deal with it for a long time.

thebirdgr commented 1 year ago

You have quite a lot of things missing. Just running rosbag record /camera/data won't help. You need to have a bag file like the example and run the bag file. .A ROSBag file is a recording of topics during a particular instance. In the case of the euroc stereo example, it was the imu, rgb, depth images and some other stuff. Your Mono code will subscribe to certain topic names as stated by the documentation, /camera/data.

I see you're trying to record a bag file. Once that is recorded, you can use rosbag play file.bag/