raulmur / ORB_SLAM2

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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Baseline bug in stereo constructor for class Frame [Frame.cc] #1020

Open PNeigel opened 2 years ago

PNeigel commented 2 years ago

I was trying to run ORB SLAM2 on stereo data in debug in Visual Studio 2017 and it never finds any matches. Weird thing is, if I run it in release, it works quite normally.

The problem seems to be that member Frame.mb https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2/blob/f2e6f51cdc8d067655d90a78c06261378e07e8f3/include/Frame.h#L124-L125

is initialized too late in the stereo constructor of frame


You can see that it is always initialized after calling ComputeStereoMatches();, but it's used within that function.


ComputeStereoMatches() is never called anywhere else, so this seems to be an error.

As to why this only applies to debug and not release, I assume that since in release the value of mb is a random value of whatever was in memory before initialization, it works most of the time because max disparity is not that important. In debug VS debugger always sets the variable to the same negative value and there it never works because max D is ~0.

Moving ComputeStereoMatches() behind https://github.com/raulmur/ORB_SLAM2/blob/f2e6f51cdc8d067655d90a78c06261378e07e8f3/src/Frame.cc#L114

seems to solve the issue.