raulmur / ORB_SLAM2

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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help me please #1056

Open 18392193281 opened 1 year ago

18392193281 commented 1 year ago

hi,I want to ask a question. that is how to come true a track issue.I need realize back vehicle track front vehicle by camera.But i dont know how to do?how to get pose and give to the code?if you know,please teach me.thank you.

Mechazo11 commented 1 year ago

@18392193281 Might wanna reword the question. How about breaking down what the steps you are trying to do? I have been working with ORB-SLAM 1 and 2 quite a while now since I am building a Python (Cython boosted) version for a different project. Maybe I can help if you can reword the question with more clarification.

18392193281 commented 1 year ago


18392193281 commented 1 year ago


Hardik7674 commented 1 year ago

@18392193281 Might wanna reword the question. How about breaking down what the steps you are trying to do? I have been working with ORB-SLAM 1 and 2 quite a while now since I am building a Python (Cython boosted) version for a different project. Maybe I can help if you can reword the question with more clarification.

how to generate the corresponding [yaw, x, z] value of ego car odometry using the orbslam2 library. please help me

Mechazo11 commented 1 year ago

@Hardik7674 since my response to @18392193281, I have switched over to using the C++ version of ORB SLAM3. I suggest u bump your project upto ORB SLAM3 first.

Regarding your query, you have to clarify something first. Are you looking to find 6DOF pose (from which you can get the z, x and yaw) Frame by Frame or for each new KeyFrame? ORB SLAM3 is a Keyframe based VLSAM framework. I strongly suggest you read up on Frame and Keyframe concept and then rephrase your question.