raulmur / ORB_SLAM2

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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When I tried to run Stereo Node in ROS Example, some trouble occured. plz come in. #1074

Open MrNonameCn opened 1 year ago

MrNonameCn commented 1 year ago

As title. when I tried to run a ROS Example -- Run Stereo Node as guidance. I used the "V1_01_easy.bag".

  1. SLAM mode, this bag is small, and the scene inside is very simple. But it still displays lost tracking in the middle. Whether I missed any configuration or parameter that could affect performance?Other suggestions?
  2. There are five options on the visualization interface, but it seems that only the display point is running, and when I click the tag of localization mode will be stuck directly. Is it necessary to wait for the end of the SLAM mode before switching and displaying the contents of other options?