raulmur / ORB_SLAM2

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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on saving pose graph... #113

Open dannyway03 opened 8 years ago

dannyway03 commented 8 years ago

Hi @raulmur.. and all.. I was just wondering how to store the complete pose graph related to a sequence. I guess it should be possible to store some *.g2o file from the optimization library, do you have any hint on how to do this in practice? thanks, -d

dannyway03 commented 8 years ago

Hi again @raulmur,

i still have problems while saving the pose graph, and i was wondering if i'm missing something obvious. Currently, I'm calling optimizer.save(outputfilename.g2o) right after optimizer.optimize(nIterations) in Optimizer::BundleAdjustment(..): in this setup, i only get an empty file (although the optimizer contains plenty of vertices and edges).

While debugging this behavior, i found that actually no data is written be because the function factory->tag(v) return always an empty string (this function is within g2o in the thirdParty directory, it is called e.g., by OptimizableGraph::saveVertex(), file optimizable_graph.cpp line 820). The very same applies to OptimizableGraph::saveEdge().. Somehow, it seams that g2o does not recognize the graph of ORBSLAM.

Do you or anyone else have some hints on how to address this issue? thanks, -danny

mmattamala commented 7 years ago


Despite this issue is a bit old, I was facing the same problem some days ago and I found a solution. Perhaps this can be useful for someone else:

The problem is that ORB-SLAM's modified g2o is not registering the g2o types, hence the Factory is not recognizing them as valid. For instance, here you have the types_six_dof_expmap.cpp in Kuemmerle's g2o, whereas here is ORB-SLAM's. Please note the macros


that are not included in ORB-SLAM; that's the trick. In addition, also note that Raúl modified this class to include new types such as EdgeSE3ProjectXYZOnlyPose, so you cannot visualize them with the original g2o viewer.

haithink commented 7 years ago

Yes, mmattamala, you are right!