raulmur / ORB_SLAM2

Real-Time SLAM for Monocular, Stereo and RGB-D Cameras, with Loop Detection and Relocalization Capabilities
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Difference in trajectory generated in SLAM and Localization Mode #439

Open fawadahm opened 6 years ago

fawadahm commented 6 years ago

I take a scan of a street using ORB SLAM2 in SLAM mode and save the trajectory and the map file it generates. Then I feed the map file to ORB SLAM2 and run it in localization using the same street scan as input and save the trajectory again.

When I calculated the difference in the trajectory of the two files, the result I get is an average of around 1.5 meters along all three axes.

Where is this error coming from? Stereo matching? Pose optimization or ORB feature extraction?

shridharkini6 commented 6 years ago

@fawadahm can you please tell me how to load saved trajectory & map files in localization mode to ORB_SLAM2?

BW25 commented 5 years ago

@shridharkini6 Try this version of ORBSLAM2 https://github.com/Alkaid-Benetnash/ORB_SLAM2