raumzeitlabor / infoscreen

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get rid of the PHP components #22

Open tabascoeye opened 10 years ago

tabascoeye commented 10 years ago

All that crusty old PHP has to go. The main thing it really does still is getting the RNV content and the non-graph Xively data which can all be done in JS.

Maybe even use a new framework for it all like Angular.JS (suggested by the brahson @else )

elsbrock commented 10 years ago

latest web shizzle, fo real

echox commented 10 years ago
AngularJS is a MVW framework, not a "lets put some components on a page" lib :-P

If you wanne be a webhipster, I think http://www.polymer-project.org/ is the thing for the job? :D Or just use jquery :D

elsbrock commented 10 years ago

watch out, looks like we have an expert here :p

tabascoeye commented 10 years ago

It's interesting how I find more and more negative comments when something is using jQuery which was the ultimate new web technology a while ago. I'll look into both...

tabascoeye commented 10 years ago

Wow. Okay. With something like polymer I really need a good IDE. When you have an arbitrary number of new Tags in your HTML which are inclusions of components, you need a "click to get to the declaration" style IDE.

Any Ideas? aptana?

elsbrock commented 10 years ago

No idea. No experience with that. You may wanna have a look at the Polymer I/O videos on Youtube, maybe you can see what the Google guys are using.

echox commented 10 years ago

How are you intending to get the RNV data via Javascript? What about x-domain security?

elsbrock commented 10 years ago

ezpz, proxying

/rnv => http://efa9-5.vrn.de/vrn/XSLT_DM_REQUEST?language=de&itdLPxx_dmlayout=gadget&itdLPxx_gadget=version_1.0.5&timeOffset=3&type_dm=any&mode=direct&limit=8&useRealtime=1&locationServerActive=1&anySigWhenPerfectNoOtherMatches=1&anyHitListReductionLimit=40&anyMaxSizeHitList=550&name_dm=6002359

By the way, where is the infoscreen served from? Please add the URL to the repo description.

echox commented 10 years ago

? Proxying via what? Isn't the intention behind that infoscreen runs completly client side?

elsbrock commented 10 years ago

Proxying via the webserver that provides the infoscreen.

echox commented 10 years ago

aaah sorry, I wasn't aware that we really need a web browser.

If we skip the "itdLPxx_dmlayout" layout parameter, we will get a 100% component without any "gadget" style. Should directly work in a div container, so should be no problem to get rid of that RNV.php

tiefpunkt commented 10 years ago

IIRC the infoscreen in the space is running locally on the rpi powering the screen. For the outside world, it's available at http://cosm.tiefpunkt.com/infoscreen. The RZL Space API endpoint is also located there.

tabascoeye commented 10 years ago

Okay so we need to keep

we can get rid of rnv.php and calling the ajax.php in main.js (and use xively.js instead)

sounds half-way decent to me. Maybe the spaceAPI endpoint should be its own repo though?

tiefpunkt commented 10 years ago

It's in here because it needs the same sensor values, and just uses the same caching. But yes, might make sense to move it into status.raumzeitlabor.de or its own repository.

tabascoeye commented 10 years ago

If we skip the "itdLPxx_dmlayout" layout parameter, we will get a 100% component without any "gadget" style. Should directly work in a div container, so should be no problem to get rid of that RNV.php

nope. When that is removed, the response doesn't contain any time table as HTML. I found "vrn" to be a nice layout: http://efa9-5.vrn.de/vrn/XSLT_DM_REQUEST?language=de&itdLPxx_dmlayout=vrn&timeOffset=3&type_dm=any&mode=direct&useRealtime=1&locationServerActive=1&name_dm=6002359

But that would still need quite a bit more parsing work than using the gadget layout and stripping the "width=150px" from the one it's in.