ravelox / pimidi

Raspberry Pi RTP MIDI
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inbound midi #23

Closed athlonwai closed 5 years ago

athlonwai commented 5 years ago

Hello Dave,

I have successfully installed raveloxmidi and have the raspberry pi sending midi notes and receiving on the Mac. One problem I have is that I tried specifying different locations but the inbound midi would never be logged, I am receiving the error:

[1540446274] WARNING: net_socket_setup: Unable to open "/home/pi/pishare/m.txt" : No such file or directory

My goal is to receive the midi messages (Program change and CC) being sent from mac and 'forward' them to the control external guitar effects processor via a usb midi cable.

Can you shed some lights on how can I achieve this?

athlonwai commented 5 years ago

update I now have all inbound midi messages logged in the specified location after removing "" in the config file, stupid me..

athlonwai commented 5 years ago


It looks like I have successfully achieved using ALSA and timidity, I connected a USB Midi cable to the pi, checked its port using amidi -l and then connect it to Timidity using aconnect (the same procedure as how you described it in the README file).

It took me some time modifying the config file until I can see ALSA enabled and the virtual midi ports in raveloxmidi's debug output mode, I don't know why it did not work at first but I found that the default setting of my raveloxmidi is different from how you described it in README, such as daemon is off and logging.log_file = NULL.

Anyhow, I hooked up pi's usb midi out to midi in of another usb midi interface on my macbook and try to send some midi notes off Logic X via raveloxmidi and input it physically back into Logic X. So excited when I heard sound coming out of my macbook! The timing was off randomly but at least all notes are coming through. I did not check whether Timidity can handle Program change and CC messages, but I went on making the midi connection to my guitar effect and it worked!

ravelox commented 5 years ago
