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Samples don't build or run correctly #370

Closed SaintGimp closed 12 years ago

SaintGimp commented 13 years ago

As of build 465, the samples don't build or run correctly.

Repro steps:

  1. Download and unzip build 465.
  2. Run ".\RavenDB\Samples\Raven.Sample.EventSourcing\Start Raven.ps1"
  3. Observe that the script throws an error about not finding log4net.dll, while the server process throws an error about not finding NLog.dll.
  4. Load ".\RavenDB\Samples\Raven.Sample.EventSourcing\Raven.Sample.EventSourcing.csproj" into Visual Studio.
  5. Observe that none of the project load due to errors about "The imported project '.\RavenDB\Tools\StyleCop\StyleCop.Targets' was not found."

Judging from recent commits these problems are being worked on, I guess, but they're not yet fixed in the resulting build.

synhershko commented 13 years ago

This is a result of the newly added StyleCop rules. @e-tobi, can you take a look at this?

e-tobi commented 13 years ago

I'll take a look at this!

e-tobi commented 13 years ago

A pull request is pending: https://github.com/ayende/ravendb/pull/58