ravi-more / reactjs-ros-robot-control-console-web

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the camera feed and navigation map are not showing in the web application #6

Open hassenbendouiss opened 1 month ago

hassenbendouiss commented 1 month ago

i m connected with rosbridge and everything but im having trouble understanding how to show the map and the images generated to the browser in order to get the camera feed and thid my ros2 topic list /camera/camera_info /camera/image_raw /camera/image_raw/compressed /camera/image_raw/compressedDepth /camera/image_raw/theora /clock /cmd_vel /imu /joint_states /odom /parameter_events /performance_metrics /robot_description /rosout /scan /tf /tf_static

ravi-more commented 3 weeks ago

For video output you need to setup a separate video server