ravibpatel / AutoUpdater.NET

AutoUpdater.NET is a class library that allows .NET developers to easily add auto update functionality to their classic desktop application projects.
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Option to ignore some files #680

Open hannes2706 opened 2 months ago

hannes2706 commented 2 months ago

Hello guys!

Wpf Applications do have the file called "Appname.dll.config".

It would be cool to add an option, where we can specify to not override some files like the config. Otherwise all user configurations are reset after an update.

How do you handle this case?

kind regards hannes

ravibpatel commented 2 months ago

For this type of scenario, it is recommended to use an installer like NSIS or any other installer you prefer. They allow more control over how a fresh installation or update should be performed.

hannes2706 commented 2 months ago

Thank you, I will have a look into that. I have a kiosk application, where I want to update the application without any user interaction.

Currently it works using a zip but I manually remove the config file to avoid overriding the default config.