ravignir / 5Hex-Tileset

A MASSIVE tileset mod by Ravignir. New tile graphics, new unit graphics. Compatible with: RekMOD, Ancient and Medieval civs mods. Leave a star on the mod page if you like it.
137 stars 17 forks source link

Is it possible to add this to the Android version? #11

Open BeatVids opened 2 years ago

BeatVids commented 2 years ago

Sorry, I see no way of downloading any files, then I'm not even sure if it is possible to install 5Hex to the Android version at all

RealBamboolord commented 2 years ago

Go to mods in game menu -> Click on 5Hex tileset in the list (should be on top of it) -> click download -> acitvate the "permanent audiovisual button" -> now you can select it as tileset under Display in options menu