ravignir / RekMOD

LekMOD for unciv. New and rebalanced civs, buildings, units, mechanics.
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Great Works amd Ideology update #117

Closed SeventhM closed 1 year ago

SeventhM commented 1 year ago

Full changelog: • Culture base things redone. Now, almost all of the extra specialists will be removed in favor of great work buildings. They each provide 2 culture. The only culture specialists after this change will be from either the guild buildings (writers guild, artist's guild, musician's guild), the free building from the Fine arts policy, the buildings from the houses of worship belief, and Italy, Greece's, and Boer's unique building • Likewise, all current bonuses for specifically culture specialists (such as Turkey's +1 science +1 production) will instead be bonuses to their great works. The sole exception here is Bulgaria's +3 science • Some buildings have multiple great works that it unlocks. If you get all of them, they will each get +1 culture. I. e., museums have 2 Great works of art slots. If you get both of them, they will each give 3 culture instead of 2

• Ideologies are redone. Now there's fairly large policy trees for all three of them that you need to unlock. You can unlock and ideology either by having 3 factories, by reaching the modern era, or by building a new national wonder: the center of progress • Center of Progess needs a factory in every city to build. Note that it does absolutely nothing except unlock ideologies • Also, note: you will get a free policy upon unlocking ideologies • Enough policies were either added or changed that I won't bother to list all of the changes • Note that you now need a certain amount of policies of one level to get the policy of the next level, just like in Brave New World. I.e., you need 2 level 1 policies to get a level 2 policy, and then you need an additional level 1 policy to get additional level 2 policies. Likewise, you need 2 level 2 policies to get a level 3 policy, and more level 2 policies to get more level 3 policies

• Utopia Project no longer appears upon completing a certain number of policy branches. Instead you need to get 31 policies, not counting unlocking ideologies and your ideology choice itself

• Hotels, Airports, and National Visitor's Cemter have been temporarily removed

• Great Artists can no longer create landmarks. Likewise, Great Musicians can no longer start a golden age. Great Writers can still do both, but this will be removed once a culture boost can be added into the mod

• Italy no longer have a pittore clone as writers and musicians

• Brazil now get Musicians and Writers faster during golden ages but no longer get bonus culture

• France now gets +1 culture from every great work instead of +2 culture from world wonders

• You no longer get a percent culture increase from the Fine Arts policy. That should be replaced with a percent tourism increase once tourism is added to the game

• 2 new luxury resources. Rubber gives +2 gold normally and +1 extra production when improved. It also gives +10% production to military units post industrial era. Coconut gives +1 food normally and an extra +1 gold, +1 food when improved. Both are improved with plantations

• Info era techs now cost +10% more

• Wonders in the first column (specifically the Temple of Artemis) now have a cost

• Unique workers can now build fishing boats and offshore platforms

• Workers and work boats can now build Brunei's unique improvement

• Caravans now ignore terrain costs. Likewise, cargo ships now can go on ocean tiles without a tech. I'm aware that's probably abusable, but for now I won't do anything about it. I might remove their sight later, though

• The enhancer belief, "City of God" has been changed. It now gives +2 Food, +1 Science, +2 Culture to holy sites. It's supposed to also give you a free prophet, but apparently that's not supported yet

• Prora now gives 1 happiness instead of 2, to make up for the extra 2 "policies" you will have thanks to ideologies

• Eiffel Tower now only give 1 culture and no longer gives happiness based on number of policies

• The production increase for building the Heroic Epic and the bonus stats for the Heroic Epic has moved from completing Honor to the Discipline policy • You no longer get bonus damage when next to another unit from Discipline • Discipline no longer requires another policy to get

• Patronage Complete no longer gives you a free Great Person of your choice. Now allied city states can randomly gift you great people

• The Colonisim policy (in Exploration) no longer gives you a free worker. You now get a free worker when founding a city

• Great Admirals now can create dry docks, which gives 5 production, and 3 more production on Pharmaceuticals • Great Admirals are now technically considered a great person

• Hungry's unique capital now has a cost

• The special promotions for Zulu's unique unit, Madagascar's unique unit, and Indonesia's unique unit has been updated to work with the updated units • Madagascar's unique unit has been updated from a civilian unit to a ranged unit

• Promotions that can be gained from levels of Barrage or Accuracy can now be gotten from the anti naval promotion

• The helicopter only anti armor promotion is removed. Anything that can get gotten from it can now be gotten from ambush formation instead

• The Evasion promotion (for bombers) can now be gotten from Air Targeting II

• Air Targeting I no longer requires a promotion to be gotten

• Wale's unique improvement has moved from Metal Casting to Chivalry

• Ayyubid now gets it's own unique burial tomb so that they can work properly

• New images for caravans

• Anything else I might've missed

yairm210 commented 1 year ago

Looks like the images are conflicting, please pull the master branch from rekmod to your own master branch