ravignir / RekMOD

LekMOD for unciv. New and rebalanced civs, buildings, units, mechanics.
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Bug of translate #119

Open ZackScarlet opened 1 year ago

ZackScarlet commented 1 year ago

In the Spanish and French language there is a translation error that makes religions instead of saying their effects all say the same text

SeventhM commented 1 year ago

Huh. Well, I try not to manage translations too much, so I would appreciate it if you created a PR to fix that

bisramia commented 8 months ago

same korean.

every "[+N Something] from every [Something]" displayed "모든 [Archaeological Dig]에서 [+8 Culture] (means [+8 Culture] from every [Archaeological Dig])"

I'm not an expert. I also use a translator for this.

However, looking at the translation file, I found something clearly strange.

Why are you translating sentences of the form "[+N Something] from every [Something]" in the policy section? The reason for using [] is to make it easier to define something internally, but isn't it also designated separately in translation?

[+8 Culture] from every [Archaeological Dig] = 모든 [Archaeological Dig]에서 [+8 Culture] This too is the translation therein. Although I am writing this post after creating a GitHub ID because there was a problem, I am very grateful that you are creating such a fun and good mode. And there may be other reasons for doing this translation only in policy.

However, the problematic part is that it is not a proper translation (I think it was a rough draft). They are also very easy and simple sentences that even users of these translators will have no problem with without translation. (There really is no problem except for people who can't do it without 100% translation.)

I would appreciate it if you could delete all translations in the format "[+N Something] from every [Something]".

Of course, I repeat, I'm not an expert, and there's no guarantee that deleting this will solve the problem... but it's simple, so I hope you'll give it a try.

bisramia commented 8 months ago

And now, I figured out how to receive the entire file via zip and tried my suggestion myself. I deleted everything from not only the policy but also each civilization's characteristics... and it worked properly!

The Korean translation was done 3 years ago, so it seems like it was just an improvement over having to process it one by one during the Unciv update process.

This is my first time using GitHub, and I am also inexperienced with editing files in a mobile environment. Uploading is blocked and I can't even try uploading a new file because the existing file is read-only.

If you follow my suggestion, the display will be normal, so I would appreciate it if you could change it in the next update, even if it is inconvenient.

SeventhM commented 8 months ago

This is my first time using GitHub, and I am also inexperienced with editing files in a mobile environment. Uploading is blocked and I can't even try uploading a new file because the existing file is read-only.

The way it typically works is you create a fork of the project, you edit your own specific version, then you create a request for me to add it in. I haven't messed around with the mobile interface of github too much so I wouldn't know exactly where the buttons are for everything (I usually browse github on my phone in desktop mode) but I would imagine on the main page of this project, there should be a button to press to help you start making a fork